Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday the 29th of September
Sorry for keeping in the subject of "assuming".This seems to be a neverending theme and is very easy for me to fall into commenting about on and on and on...
Hopefully i will finish for the time being with today examples.One very easy and common misassuming is the concept of seeing Osama Bin Laden as a plain terrorist when he is more then just that.He is to me and i will explain why a trafficant,"drug" trafficant that at the end of his "traffic" in order to achieve his goal causes terror, therefor making Islam to aprear a religion spreading terror.
Once a philosopher that had much influence called Karl Marks said that religion was the opium of the masses.Well Osama is dealing with that "opium".A few years ago, maybe 20 yeras ago, there were program of recovery for junk people getting addicted to very addictive drugs like heroin.There was at the begining an intempt of recovering them into able members of society using mere biological means;as this prove not to be enough the thinking brains of society tyhought that as with AA was doing in America mainly some spirituality was needed into the projects of recovering addicts.As a spirituality in religion is usually confused as an integral part of religion, exclusivly(i don't agree with this)this spirituality from religion was combined with the biklogical means to the recovery addicts.For a while it seems to work, so much that some people thought that maybe religion was enough to recivery addicts.Here is were Osama makes sense of his wrong way.
If we see at the ages of the people that are his usual "mupets" that carry out the killing of innocents that causes terror in everybody else, this ages are the usual age of people being addicted to psychotropic drugs or with mind very much being able of being influenced by any strong thought like fundametalist religion.
Religion by it self is not bad for human kind but some people make a fundamental principle in their lifes to make their way of finding God.The way for every one or they need to die.
When you find urself in darkness and suddenly u find somebody eith some light if that light is directed to the ground u are standing on it illuminattes the way that u need to walk.But some peoople knowing that we maybe in darkness put the light infront of our eyes(we were blind with darkness but to much light can blind us too)whatever they tell us to do we might think that cos they have the source of light they maybe right. Two things about that , they may have only a temporary light and only the supreme being has got the eternal one and that source of light maybe a torch and as we know this needs batteries...
so as we can see here the people making the horrible acts of killing other people for their own egoitistical benefit are in the same proccess that Goerge W. Bush was and perhaps is still cos recovery(as i very well know myself) is a life ongoing proccess.However the "moral" majority of America has boughted him to be The President of USA.And Tony Blair wants to get on this bank Wagon it seems.If we look at his last or fairwell speech to The Labour party;we see as an speech that is Mesianic, patronising and egocentric.Very aprocreate for giving the speeches in America after he is no longer the Prime Minister in this country.Let's not forget that America is "controlled" by a religious moral majority that are vthe ones that will pay him after he is no longer Prime Minister here.


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