Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thurday 28th ofSeptember
First of all i have to apologise because my brian damage affects my coordination and therefor i can make all of this a reality by somebody else attempting to understand what i say (not easy task) and writing it. So some words might be the result of the person who is writing trying to guess what i say but the whole idea is mine.Apologise once again.
Once i started to write this i started to selfcriticisim so i am going all over again about what i sad that i could have sad.For example the name of this blog is the holy spirit of elfrid,oh yes,it is only the name it was accpeted by this organisation but, once i thought more about it, it's a very good name because we can understand that my spirit is holy but in the general "spirit" of what i say everybodies spirit is holy so by dedaction mine is too.
Another thing i keep going over constantly is about assuming that wonderfull is a very positive thing when is not, sometimes is positive and sometimes is negative. Further more on this. We hear quite a lot the word or sentence "The HIV virus... ";HIV means HUMAN IMMUNODEFICENCY VIRUS so when we say HIV virus we are saying Human Immunodeficency Virus Virus so we are repeating twice word virus.For goodness me when anybody says Hiv stop them there stop them say "HIV virus... "
Another assumption is when people say "the virus causes AIDS..." .Maybe those people know something that i dont know cos AIDS is a syndrom,this is a group of illnesses not a single one only.Over 25 years ago the scientific community managed to isolate HIV. In a press conference they sad that this virus was a propable cause of AIDS, i would like u to isolate the word propable here. Well over 4 years ago now there was an add on TV that proclaim that carlsberg was propably the best lager in the world ; nobody assume that carlsberg is the best lager in the world however everybody assumes that HIV is the cause of AIDS(ha!ha!not me).
Another common assumption is that the prolongator of the Christian teachings from Jesus Christ Peter also called St.Peter because he was killed in Rome(the capital of Known World only at that time ) the huge palace that is vatican city nowdays is stopping the Pope from moving away from Rome.The Roman branch of Christianity will never beproperly Catholic (this word only means universal)until the Pope leaves Rome forever.Why do we need to sassume that the Pope needs to be in Rome?
Another common assumption is the one that "comes" to our help when we need help to get out of a problem.This is usually called psychotherapy or counceling or some other therapies like NLP(Neuro Linguistic Programing) that was uncivered to be of not much help as an individual therapy and somehow found its way into marketing.This "therapies" are more like going to the dentist to clean ur mouth after having a meal.Hello! After having a meal if u need to clean ur mouth might be a good idea but use a brush with some toothpaste or rinse ur mouth with a mouthwash liquid, use dental floss or maybe u can find another alternative but giong to the dentist so the dentist will be happy in themselfs cos they are of help to others is a bit too much.Lets not forget that this so called "therapists" came from America where people use "big" cash to get form one point to another when in europe we find that a small car will do the same(a samll car often call utilitary). Personaly i prefer a bus or tube and some people may use other teransport forms that might not be a danger for the global warming getting worse.


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