Wednesday 4th of October
Last night i woke up, again, soon after 3am and as usual soon i started to do my exercises in order to fall asleep.The difference this time is that ,that half an hour made me to see the situation from another angle.Now i think i know why i wake up usually at the same time everynight.Last friday,because the temperatures during the night started get colder i asked my morning carrer to put 1 blunket in the bed and i also started having the thermostate on 23 C during night.So before i was with no blunket on the bed and the temperature during the night on my thermostate was 20C.Here lays, i think,the problem and it solution.
Today i remember to get to the commentaries some people left in this blog from the 25th of september.I had two and i thank u for them.One was for giving me uncaragement,thank you very much;the other one was for offering me some offer meaning saving money, well thank u also but if u people have any spear cash or idea on how to save money give that to somebody else not me, i do apreciate money very much but the whole idea of doing this in a blog and not in a book is that people can excess their inforamtion without having to pay for it.There are many ways in which people may get out money from other people, i dont want to follow this path ,thank u very much.My path is to give "power" back to people and this "power" is understood as money or knowledge or abilities; if the "spirit world" had any intention of making my life to be dedicated to help others would not give me only the abilities i have but also the means to have that kind of life.
Some days ago i sad that i would explain more about my diagnostic(PML).Progressive Multivocal Lucchoencephalothopy in short PML is something that until now was considered only as a side effect by the medical proffesion; so that is why there is not much known about it. Using the internet i search Ireland,Canada,USA,New Zealand and Australia in order to find a possible "cure" treatment for it without success and since i knew that nobody knows anything in this countryi had to find the "hope" within myself and "hope" i have a lot but as i discovered lately "hope" is something that most disable people have in their daily living.Of course there is experimental treatment for it called something like CIDOVOVIR; this is traditionally, somethiong used against CNV(toxoplasmosis).
PML is caused by virus called JC(i dont know what it stands for,sorry!)that leaves in the kidneys in everybody and when their immune system is lower by many means like organ transplant then this JC virus goes from the kidneys into the spine that is nothing else but a solid prolongation of the brain, goes into the brain through the spine and causes all the damage.In a nut shell this is all the inforamation about it.However in my particular case the virus called JC stopped in the lower part of the brain called the cerevelum and nobody knows why.So when i had the brain biopsy done on my head the neurologist couldnt find anything in my brain that was causing my damage.But then the HIV specialist in the Royal London Hospital/Whitechapel sad that i have PML and cos at that time i was so much full of fear i accepted it.
Well i have done something today i have told u about PML.
I only have left now that if u have followed my writing so far without getting bored i can welcome u into my home.
A few minutes ago from now I was talkingwith a "new" friend of mine and one little story came out at the end of our talking that i feel i needto put here before i forget.
The elves never left this world.Is only that we(human kind) forgot how to communicate with them.They are as they were looking after the trees and have been here since before them.Whatever they might have to communicate with us maight apear as new when in reality is old, very old.
Through out the ages they have apeared to us(human kind) as magic spirits and sometimes like angels or even faries.This only to show us that they are more versatile in their physical apearence that what we might think.We are the ones that need to put things in boxes but they dont feet into any of them;so cos of this we forgot everything about them and about all how to communicate with them.
Our fold, our lose but is never to late to continue where we left(the communication I mean).
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