Thursday 5th of October
Yesterday i welcomed u into my home and indeed u are very welcome.However there is always however u need to agree to 2 things being change of name.First change is the word imagination for creativity;everything u are going to face from now on is creativity mine or from other people. The word imagination is not dead but is been used for other people not for me. The othe rchange is the word dependency for disability;I was trying to think in the rights of disable people (my case) and i thought that the best way for disable rights to be uknowledge by "body able people" would be if everybody was classified as disable but since this word seems to be offensive to some people i thought to change it for another one; At the same time of thinking procce3ss i was engaged with the wrong name of one of the agencies that gives me money call Independent Living Fund(ILF) but nobody is independent this is a carrot with stick policy in which the people that "administrate " our lifes tell us that our goal is to achive independece in our life ,well if u think about it doesn't exist cos everyone and everything is dependent on everyone or everything else.So in this way i found my word to swap for the word disability and i don't have everybody disable i just call them dependent and in this way i don't offend, i don't think so,anybody.
Apart from this last night i had the same situation but a little bit different then the nights before.If u remember i was waking up over 3am but last night i woke up at 4.29am.The reason for this is that i changed the temperature in the thermostate from 23 to 20 but i also found another reason completly out of the blue. Yesterday evening i asked my main carrer to read me the horoscope from the newspaper and amount other things the horoscope in the paper was saying that the mooon was on my sign(i am pisces with pisces on ascendent so double pisces) and i got interested into this info cos i know that the moon can influence our behaviour; in this way i fopund out that we have the full moon on the sunday the 8th so this means that "maybe" the reason why i am not sleeping so well the moon is affecting me cos is growing.
This is the room that really gain me over when i first to see this flat in january 2002.Because i thought that it would be great to have a second bedroom so i could have a leaving in carrer. But those were my hopes and dreams and the reality was that the room is far too small for that purpose and when the live in carrer(first the first one and then the second one) live in that small space for over one month the quality of their job went down the hill very fast and i couldn't understand why.
Well first i have to consider that i apreciate very much my own space that i decorate to my own like and dislike and secondly i have to consider that they were made feeling short change, cos they were having a good money but they were not eonjoying them at all.The first one tried to live his life outside the working space and the second one took the working space as his own but only when i was not here so "my" home became a shared house.
For over 3 years i couldnt find a purpose to this room after thefailure of it as accomodation for the live in carrers and i finally found it in the last two months.I think i got the real purpose of it now.
In this room i share the exercise bicycle,plants that would be leaving under the canape in the jungle so they would not have much light, one shelving unit used as a storage space for my food supplementation and some food like organic brazil nuts and the place where i have my altar dedicated to my protective spirits(mainly Quetzacoatl, another day i will explain u all about this one).So this room that is in the place of health according with some house plan that i found in the book called "Sacred Space" by Denise Linn and is working as such.As a door i have a bedad african curtain and i have 2 buddhist fabrics that go very well with the image of this.
I use the bicycle as exercise mostly for my legs but i find out it improves my coorsdination and my heart since it is a cardiovascular static bicycle that i use for 20 minutes everytime at the maximum difficulty after 2 years of using it.My assistant Andy who is a physiotherapist titled in Poland but to my benefits he is not here help me to put the seat of the bicycle at the right distance from the pedals sao my legs are doing the proper exercising."I sweat like a pig".
The bicycle execise i do it on the days i have a shower aqnd before doing bicycle i have six munites exercises inside the bathroom standing up.First 3 minutes errect with no support anywhere and after this two 90 seconds sequences in which holding with my hands onto zimmer frame,First i lift the left leg on backwards and my PA holds foot that is touching the bum(so i bend backwards) and then the right one.I believe this exercise is very good to stretch the harmstrings.
Before this i brush my mouth (not just the teeth but the whiole mouth) and i wash my hands. I do this twice a day. I found out that it is very good for keeping any infection away to wash ur hands at least twice a day with an anti bacterial gel(natural).
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