Friday, October 06, 2006

This afternoon I had 1 of my irregular(in time not in shape, although it has been handmade...) , "pipes" and I thought something that changed my time keeping regarding writing this. In my "fabulous trip" I thought of a kind of T.v. programme (digital or otherwise) that would be very up to date. If anbody wants it do not blame me. In this programme we could have an abundant represantations of all the different religions in the country( roman catholic methodist, pentecostal, sani moslems, the other branch of islam that ido not remember how to spell,jews, hindus, pagans of all kinds,etc...) there could also be a coodinator and with every programme there would be in another room, a representative of every extreme and fundamental position regarding religion living with all the other religions in society.

One of the other things that I thought while I was in that "fabulous trip " was that it would be very good to be able to have the stuff without coughing so much; then I recall a conversation i had in the early hours of the afternoon Friday last week with a friend in Teneriffe Island in which he told me that there was in the market a machine in which you could smoke without coughing because it burnt the "grass" at very low temperatures at a cost of over £250 called something like volcano but , we both thought, that it was too expensive for getting high while I was in this high thought i remembered that i had something for people on medication anti HIV. This is a machine that I bought about 2 years ago at a cost of£350 (I think its a bit cheaper now) but despite its dear price it did exactly what it says and on top of it I gotrid of my peripheral neuropathy. I have been free of it for the last 2 years, great! This machine is called RADITEC or maybe spell RADITECH ( you can look for it in the inter net). Ths technology was born in cleaning nuclear station ( surprise Surprise!) from electromagnetic energy geodesc energyand it worked in my flat.


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