Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sunday 8th October
As a wooding rat born in the hour of the dragon (in the chinese astrology, of course all the symbols are ash tree so I am a witch but not a wizard, with the lucky positions inthe north east and south west) and as I told you before that as a doble Pisces i do try to have a peak at the big, very big indeed (could be described as immence picture; in which i see that the big bang (13.6 billion years ago); it is actually, something quite small compared with everything that it is; so for looking at human kind " in the big picture" we would need a very potent (maybe electronic) microscope. Because in proportion with everything else we live in a very "petiteness" scale. for example this quarrel that we have now about the role of religions inside society. For hundreds of years we had some religions that had to choose between being banished into a small corner or being "domesticated" and after all those many hundreds of years along came 1 religion that never had to choose between one thing or the other as it always "live" in countries that took it as a "way of life". However we have some "extreme and fundamental" people who use any excuse to promote their point of view and the excuse this time as many times before is religion. Once again religion is used as a smoke screen so we look at the screen and not at the people behind it but we cannot forget the "final" point of view in which in the creation plan we are small, very small indeed. Important yes but small!


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