Monday 9th of October
Now i would like to introduce u into my living,day room.In this space i do spend most of my day.Usually from 9.45am to 9pm and in here i have my meals (breakfast,lunch,tea and dinner or supper), i do recieve my guests(usually my friends), i do navigate in the internet, talk on the phone mainly to Spain, i have in the evenings my footbath, i do all my daydreaming while still awake and i do most of my exercises outside bed.so what i call the quality of my rehabilitation is done here mostly cos there is another essential part to it that is done while sleeping or while in bed.
In this room as i say i do most of my exercising and i will exlplain them to u as much in the tell as possible.
I start every morning (mopnday to saturday only) by living bed around 9.45am(well on saturday is 10.15am) and i come into the living room when my carrer has converted the dinning table into a tool for my first exercise that consisting moving the wrist from left to right and right to left holding wheight of 1.1kg (2 and1/2 each).When i do this exercise my elbow always have to be resting on the table, i do it 10 mtimes with right hand each movment and then 20 on the left( this is cos as i told u before PML has wasted most of the muscles on the left side of my body so i do try to compensate). Once i finish this and while my elbow is still resting i do try to exercise the wrist by holding the wieght in the hand of 2.3kg or 5lb 10 times with a right hand and 20 with my left;the movment consist on lifting towards the hand with the weight and then resting it. After this one i leave the dinning table support and i try to rotate the elbow towards the right while my hand is still holding the weight(the last weight) first i move to the right 10 times then to the left and then up and down; and then i do everything the same but on my left hand and arm.
At this point i finish with the exercises involving a weight and my next exercise is one that involves the legs only.As you know i am always (unless in bed of course ) using a wheelchair so is essebtial for my rehab to use my legs AS MUCH AS POSSIBBLE and therefor my next exercise .First with my right leg and then with my left double the repetitions.While still in a sitting position i try to lift and straighten my right leg onto an arm of the chair or sofa for 5 times everytime i have it up i count to 10 and between those repetition i rest them in 90 digrees anlge by counting only to 5;This is done then to the left leg but instead of 5 times is 10 and instead of 10 secondsa up is 15 however when its resting its only 5.
This is the first segment of the 3 segments that are my exercise routine and i do this monday to saturday.The other 2 segments are done only monday to friday.
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