Sunday, October 08, 2006

Now I am going to show you the list of the food supplement and hospital medication that i take; not as a way of telling you what to take but, only , as away of showing you that you can search and have whatever might be good in your cicurmstances since mine seems to be "one of a kind"

Male multiple 2
Vinpocentine ( periwinkle) 1
Olive leaf 1
atazanavir 2
Ritonavir 1
MSM 1000mg (methyl sulphonyl methane)

Neem leaf 2
Vinpocentine (periwinkle) 1
Fish oil 2
Male multiple 1
MSM 1000mg (methyl sulphonyl methane

Vinpocentine (Perwinkle) 1
Fish oil 3
Neem leaf 2
Olive leaf 1
MSM 1000mg (methyl sulphonyl methane

Melatonin 1

All of these i hope comes as a help to you but not as a recipe to follow. If I have managed to achieve it so you can too.

Everything that is interacting with our bodies is chemistry. this chemistry can be good or bad if it's more or less natural but its always chemistry, chemical reactions always.

For example neem leaf is a very good ayurvedic (it only means popular) medicine but should not be taken if you try to get children ( if you want to get or you want to make somebodty pregnant), nonetheless it is a very powerful anti viral. I found out about it listening to the radio. Olive leaf extract is also a very powerful anti viral "normally" used in conjuction with Estragalus but this latest one is like gingseng but should be taken only temporarily and only if your immune system is strong because it helps to duplicate the cell and if that cell is infected, with HIV for example, with a virus then you willo make the infection stronger: the first time i used it it worked in my favour but the second time against me so now I have only olive leaf extract. The first time i heard about it was in the T.V. programme "Richard and Judy" ( surprise,surprise) then i went into the internet and i found out all about it. Atazanavir and Ritonavir are what i call hospital medication against HIV, They are usually taken as part of what is known as combination therapy. In the morning that is when my stomach is empty I take 1 tablet of sacchare Boulardi that helps to rebuild the helpful bacteria in the gut. I also take food as medicine for example avocado rich in vitamin E, tomato and cranberry juice rich in vitamin C or brazil nuts ( i take 8 a day) rich in selenium, etc.....

In any case I am not a nutritionist/ditician so you can find one that is good for you or they dont want to sell you a product .

Usefull people fo this are the nutritionists from nutricentre ( tel. num.02074365122 ext 2) , nutritionist of Higher Nature ( tel. num. 08004584747) or a nutritionist based in brighton called Charllotte Wats (sorry I dont have her number any more).

I hope all this information can be of help to you.


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