Tuesday 10th of October
Before i tell u about the 2nd segment of my exercise routine i remember that i better tell u thatthe wieghts that i am using and even the resistance in the exercise bicycle are the result of a long time using them.First i started with tins of vegetables as wieght and the difficulty in the bike was very low at the begining.The main secret is to be able of addapting the objects that are there, only to help uto ur needs and not vice versa;I am not doing this in order to impress anybody,people might the impress with the result and night even think that it has been like this always but that is their problem(as it happens with all my social workers until now and mainly with the one i had just now, that was the image they got).
The 2nd segment is aa follows but we always need to think that i "use" the wheelchair as a tool for exercising.
1st i slide towards the front of the wheelchair in the middle of my day/living room and i rest with the top of my back on the back of the wheelchair and lifting the arm rests of the wheelchair i start by lifting the right leg first and then the left still bent and up for 15 times holding it for 4 seconds each and then i do the same with the left leg but 30 times (i told u before why is double on the left).Then i do lift my right leg and i extend it to the front and i retract it until i touch my bottom with the hill of the food that is slightly pointing up and i hold the ankle when i retract the leg with my left hand; I do this movement 15 times with the right leg and 30 with the oleft leg.The next exercise is by holding with the right hand the left hanlde on the back of the wheelchair while i tense the muscles in buttocks i do this for 23 times holding for 2 second each time however the the right hand on the left handle stays there for 6 times then goes the left hand onto the right handle for another 6 times and then the right arm goes behind the neck for 6 times also and then i do this movement with the left arm.
Once i finish this 2 exrecises done in the time of one i keep my legs bent and tight against my chest and i ask my carrer to check 1 minute.Finish this minute i do stretch my arms by twining the fingers of my hands together and doing 10 times in the front ,10 on the left and 10 on the right.Then i do stretch my arms but to the back of my body tilting the trunk forward a little bit only and i do 5 times in the front,5 on the left and 5 times on the right.
I finish this segment by puting down the arm rest if the wheelchair and by making the wheelchair to face the sofa athought about 60 cm away from it ;then i place my feet on the sofa but with as much separation between each other as i can and while holding with my left hand onto the wheelchair my right arm, and hand are in extention trying to touch as much as i can to reach the right foot for 5 seconds and then i do the same exercise but with the oposite arm and hand for 10 seconds and once finish i do it again with the right hand; I do this variation 5 times (remember i do 5 with the right and 10 with the left).With the same position of the wheelchair i get into a "normal"sitting position and then i do the final exercise in this egment that consists of with the legs bent but separated i lift my left foot and i leave it resting on my right knee for 20 seconds while pressing down the left knee down;then i do the same but with the opossite leg or foot but this time only for 10 seconds; again i do this variation 5 times.
Well this is my 2nd segment. It looks difficult if u havent done it but once ur body get use to it u can do all of this in between 20 minutes abd half an hour.
Remember that all the exercises i do for the last 7 years are the product of using my adaptation ability so anybody, absolutly anybody can do it wothout my guidance, i dont need to be there. In the same way i found out about it myself and i put it in practice(u dont need to find out about it cos i did) but, if u want, u can do it as well.
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