Thursday 12th of October
I love Johnny Depp!Have u seen the movie "Pirates of the Carrabien-The curse of the black pearl"?I saw it on monday afternoon and alhought i saw on tuesday afternoon"the last stand-X men", today everytime i recall the image of"Jack Sparow"i break into laughter.So i might reak into laughter quite a few times today why i am putting this.
Everyday after supper i have a footbath i bought this one in argos so is not very expensive and gives me gentle massage on the feet plus bubbles and keep the temperature of the water warm; i put into the water 2 droops of essential oils,1 of frankeansence and 1 of peppermint.This footbath lasts between 12-20 minutes and while it last i do some feet and hand exercises.This are: with the feet lifting the toes up 30 times everytime i do exercises on the right hand and 30 times i separate the toes in the feet while i do exercises on the left hand.This exercises on the hands consists of pulling up everyfinger with the oposite finger in the other hand 1st the index 2nd the middle 3rd the annular (by this i mean the wedding ring finger) and last the small one (i never do any pushing of the thumb, dont ask me why).
Everyday in the morning after i finish the segments i do go to the toilet (accept mon,wed,fri that's when i have a shower that i do go to the bicycle for 20 minutes) and while i am on the toilet i do about 5 minutes of further exercises that consists of 10 repetitions moving of upper part of the body by rotating on the waist.Then i do the once that are suppose to any back pain that consists of my hands joining behind my back(3 times), then i rotate the shoulders forward and 10 times backwards i follow by joining the shoulder plates 10 times also and then i do 11th time in which i flex the pireneum muscle and at the same time i aline the bones in the back of my neck by getting the chin to touch my trought(the pirreneum muscle is the 1 that is situated between the testilcles bag or vagina in case of woman and the esfinter;this area is also known as the kundalini entrance point in the body or also known as the "door of the soul";is also a very good area for massaging with the hand when u have sex or as a way of preventing licks of urine).
This group of exercises is finish by doing an exercise for my eyes that i got from oculist 40 years ago in Spain and that is by looking at the index finger of my right hand and then left,wwith both eyes, while it moves from the tigh to the nose and back with each side of the body so in total is 30 repetitions.
1 more set of exercises that i forgot to mention before(sorry) are ones that i do use the help of the ordinary chair , a rubber band and the help of my carrer/PA; i dont do this everyday, only when is convinient so maybe this is why i forgot about it until now.In total this equence takes about 3 minutes in which 1st i try to touch my right ankle with my left foot and then the same with the right foot touching the left ankle by changing thwe position of the wheelchair ,of course;hti sis achieve by having the rubber band attached to one of the legs of the chair and by the assistant/carrer sitting on the chair.Then i continue by putting rubber bands on each of the handles of the wheelchair by pulling them up 15 times the right arm and 30 in the left.I finish by6 having the rubber badn that is still into making a circle that is put around my tighs and trying to open the legs 20 times,this exercise is strenghtening the muscles in the lumber area.
Well i have told u all the exercises that i do.
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