Tuesday, October 17, 2006

This afternoon i had time to read the long article in the net about the ancient religion, called BON,from Tibet.
I dont like it at all.Or better to say i dont agree with that aproach but now i understand wqhy i dont aprreciate much the way Buddhism has been tought for the last 2400 years.
I beleive that evertime a religion becomes "official" loses its simplicity.It becomes sophisticated,elaborated and u need to be or very well educated near an intelectual to understand it or u need people to explain that to u(priests) .And i think religion needs to be very clear cos it is the way that u aproach the Devinity.
And thisa is before i even started to read the book that i bought from Watkins.However another book that i bought from that book shop is called "the secret life of water" by Masaru Emoto and it seems to be quite promising althought i just read the intro.
(whenever i say that i read something u need to remember that i have been read whatever by one of my carrers/assistants)


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