Saturday, October 14, 2006

Saturday 14th October
In regards of the rehabilitation process, lets say that it is holistic and by this i mean that ( remember that i am house bound and i do not go out) that everything that goes on in my daily living is rehabilitationprocess ; this process is like a "puzzle in which my only task was to put together the different pieces and and once they were assembled they were helping my rehabilitation but anybody ca n put the pieces together according to their need " since my way" is useful, only, for "my case"and everything changes at every moment that i need to.
My phylosophy of life is based a non-dualistic phylosophy. For you to try to understand what i mean by this lets say that in all creation theology around the world ther is a moment/ space that is described by many religions by the Void There is were i want to go; in other words could be descrbed as the primar "soup" from which everything was created. This is basically the non- dualistic phylosophy in oppostion to the dualistic phylosophy that "says " that from the void or primer soup the divinty craeted caos and order also described as , heaven or earth (I let you to find outwhich one corresponds to which if heaven to caos or order,or if earth to chaos or order!). Another way to illustrate what i mean is that if you think about the near death experinces of some people they all talk about a light at the end of the tunnel, well its the tunnel that i am interested in.
Darkness, is to me as good or positive as light. Darkness is the absence of light only but we tend to be afraid of it and we attribute everything that is bad or evil to it; so usually we find our our most "familiar " monsters inside, but these monsters" are our own energy, our own creativity,they are much us as those things we can see. Here is were i was relegated into by all the human beings when i was diagnose with PML.
At the beginning i was very scared and i was making everybody "to pay the for what was happening to me (i do have to apologise alot to many people). Over the years, though, I was rediscovering the creativity, my creativity, that that moment/space also called darkness had in store for me. Take for example the myth of dracula; a very cruel human being belonging to the aristocracy of far, far away frontier of the christian empire fighting another faith that has the symbol of its spirtuality the bat. The bat as an animal lives in the dark for protection, this cruel aristocrat was a count and had his prisoners being impaled ( ihope i have spelled this word right) that is a very pointed,edgy stick in which people were put to die by having all their blood leaking off their body ; so you put everything together now, please, and you have count dracucula, the myth (there are vampires in nature, of course, but they live in South America and they were not discovered until much later in time) .
This is one of the many myths that I discovered as "monsters among the many things in my darkness.
and as you can see i had a long way to get through,1st i thought "out2 then i realised that its "through".
So if you are afraid of the dark this blog is not for you.


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