Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tuesday 17th of October
Yesterday i send ( for the second time) my apllication form (my subscription payment was done a month ago) for being an active member of one of the 3 factions (the homeland one that is based in Germany) that are trying to decide whether the independent nation(country) for gay and lesbian people in the NE of Australia are trying to define the "ethos" of this country/nation. The name of it is CORAL SEA island but when u search for it in the internet u have to put that is for gay and lesbian community otherwise u will get an info about a community that started as a meteorological research and it is now populated by over 185.000. inhabitants, whether the gay and lesbian one does have no (as far as i know) ANY POPULATION.It has athought an anthem or hymn(I will survive) a falg(the rainbow flag), its own currency (the EURO) ,official language (English), its own postal service since January 2006 and from June 2006 its own stamps.
My idea by joining this mess (is one so far) is no other then that making a statement about the need or recognition for the wide society about the right to life and living (life meaning quantity and living meaning quality) of the homosexual(gay and lesbian) manority group. Well we are not such a minority but anyway uknow what i mean.
Apart from the very developed countries and even in some of them, we are still very much perseciuted and discriminated against(and also opressed) and we need a "place" where the opressor knows that we can be free.Whether is a living space or not it doesnt matter yet but no doubt that having people that support this idea in not much time there will be a living space. With parties happening all the time u know us.
Ah ! i frogot it has a an Emperior as head of the country/nation called DEL I .Because we need to remember that Australia belongs to the common wealth and the common wealth for head the Queen of this country.So if this country has got a "Queen" as head of the Estate this nation(CORAL SEA) has got an Emperior.
Yesterday and today i am obsesively looking into info in horoscopes. I want them to tell me that i am going to find my "true" love(but have been doing this game for a very long time) but so far is telling me that i have a very busy social life(?!) and that my work salary is going to be raise(?!). Until i "find" that love one i will keep looking and knowing me as i know me i may become a shaman before i find one. That is what the stars (the chinesse astrology of course) said to me, that i am going to have many friends but no loved one and having this physical presents( in a wheelchair) i think this is the most likely possibility but as MY FRIENDS say in Spain "TIENES MAS MORAL QUE EL ALCOYANO..." , i dont know who is the ALCOYANO(Ha,Ha,Ha) (i am getting fed up with this ha,ha,ha and from now on i change to he,he,he)


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