Monday, October 16, 2006

This afternoon i watched the movie"HumanTraffic" based in the life of the middle class youth in their late teens living the life of clubbing in Cardiff on the late 90's. It gave me quite substantial interest to watch cos it didn't only transport me to my late teens in which i was clubbing like them, drinking a lot ,take as many recreational drugs as them(as i could), dancing and trying to impress sexualy other people(other men in my case) and i was consuming life like them until a few years later (about 9 or 10 years later) i discover that life was eating me not the other way as i thought. But athought i had this "reality check" i was still partying as much as i could and even years later i went to the recovery i stopped drinking and taking drugs but i was clubbing as much as before and i never gave up( not even now) in trying to impress other people (as i say men in my case). The other way that i was quite taken by the film was that when the clubbing mixture goes down in the night or better to say in the morning of the following day one of the main characters says that instead of sleep coming was coming unconciousness and they said that would much preffer a sleep;if i extrapolate this to my life now my clubbing after recovery didnt go into sleep" but instead gave me unconciousness of this physical brain damage.
So cos of this i "found" a different way, one that i had not explore before.
It just happened that about 12 years ago, more or less, i started walking the path of shamanism and after 2-3 years break(when i was full of shit) i am in that path anyway so this discovery about BON was something else.
I always place geographicaly the begining of shamanism on planet Earth quite a few thousand years ago and in the area occupied now by Tibet but i never thought that Tibet was into it before Buddhism and it was quite a suprise to find out that it took Buddhism over well over 1000 years to get from Northern India to the Tibet.
The sham,anic path that i walk would make me a fully fledge shaman close to the age of 78 years old.Since i am now 46 i have left 32 years of being an aprentice still.


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