Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday 16th of October
Following the theme of yesterday in which i was telling u(i wish somebody told me from time to time cos this is how i accumulate knowledge)the little secrets/knowlegde, one of them is about echinacea, it is very common acknowledge that is good for ur immune system and yes it is but if ur immune system is healthy, if u have any kind of infection or u may have something like HIV or ur immune system has been weakened cos of something else like organ transplant then this is not for u.The reason why is not good in case of infection is , imagine a town in the middle ages in which the main aristocrat decided to errect walls of protection around it in order to keep the possible "vandals" out, if these walls of protection are errected before the attack fine lovely they do the job and when attack happens if the "vandals" come they will not be able of doing much harm but if the "vandals" are already inside the protective walls, that are for the outside only and not for the inside and these "vandals" then would cause a problem in the town;the same happens with echinacea if u take it before the infection(natural or artificial) then u are protected but if u take it after u are protecting not only the immune system but the infection as well so dont take it if u are infected even with a flew.
Changing subject until my memeory brings me another little secret/knoledge i can share with u another 2 ideas or maybe 3. One is that when we go through the bad patch in ur life we can make use of the popular or folk knowledge like this one. Take 1 orange it needs to mature in order to be appreciated as much as we do but then when we want its use first we need a knife to cut it in hale(nasty knife) and then we need an squizzer( more violence)and then we can have the juice and if we are "lucky" we may have a sweet juice but sometimes it happens that maybe cos the orange hasnt been maturing long enough that the juice can be acid like a lemon.We have here 4 subjects orange,knife,squizzer and person to drink the juice but we can add 2 more subjects the juice and a witness of the whole action ; u decide who or what u want to be.
Another image in the same subject is that the individual "garden" of life, we may try to keep it as tiddy as possible but from space to space we may find little patches(in my case quite a few!), but the courious of this patche from time to time a little beautifull flower can appear.This is not to say that the whole garden needs to full of patches in order to have , from time to time , little beautifull flowers.If we dedicate as much energy and attention to this little beauty it can grow into a mature beautifull flower but still in the patch cos if u try to take it away from the mud and put it in the pot it will die it needs to be there and this flower represents u and only u noone else.
Changing subject once again last Saturday i got a review magazine from Watinks Book Shop and i found a book about BON the ancient Tibetan religon .I didnt know anything about it i just thought that the Tibet had been always Buddhist and since Buddhism is been with us for 2500 years i thought that cos the tibet geographical is quite clos eto where the Buddha lived i thought that have been Buddhism for a long time.Well how big was my suprise when i found out that they had been Buddhists for 1400 years and that before Buddhism in Tibet ther was something called BON that apparently was and is much more then just a religion it is a way of life.All of this i found out by going in the internet as usual and searching for BON ancient tibetan religion but athought, i would tell you to do a search with an engine in the internet i have found a link that may save u much trouble.This is the link .It talks about shamanism and pagnism and so on so if u are not interested in the subjects forget about it.


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