Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesday the 24th of October
Today is exactly 1month(30 days) since i started this blog and for the time bieng i will finish bit with this publishing. Since i dont drink alcohol i will not celebrate it by getting drunk and as i have only the smoke oif the grass on friday afternoons i can not celbrate this way either.
Some things before i finish this publishing today.
First is that i found that wheat grass in juice or more preferebly in powder was helping me a lot; i stop it only cos i started the chlorella.
Wheat grass is as its name says the wheat when is starting to grow but before it starts to be straw;It has all the ingrediants to apport to the human life everything that it needs so it can be used as a supplement on top of ur normal diet in oredr not to gain weight but volume and if u happened to be on a diet to loose wait and u can not eat much u can have it as a way of making sure that the body has whatever it may need.The taste of it is very bitter so u may taking it with some another kind of juice.If as in my case u can not take it within 20 minutes of making the juice (this is the optimum time span)then i found out that maybe "better" to take it in powder from, this is not the ideal way but since i could not take it in the juice form and i was loosing cos of it much of its properties i was suggested by the nutritionist(Juliette) in Nutri Center that powder form will do me as good ;At the begining i was buying the powder from Nutri Center but then looking in the interwnet as usual i found a much cheaper supplier also recommended to me by another nutritionist called Charlotte Watts.
Another thing is that my health improved a lot once i put a water filter in my home as i find that the water quality, mostly in London is not so good.
There are many,many books out there and they will "guide" us to find the way to heal us by our own means; Remember that absolutly everyone of u can have a go at healing urself and only having others (and by this i include medical doctors) helping u.
I will finish with another one of my thoughts that has nothing to do with myself healing but with the fact that i am a lot"in" and i should get out much more.Ortodoxy is usual confused by ortodox people as religion when in reality is nothing else that domesticity; Take any ortodox group that u may think of (u can pick and choose christians,muslims, jews others ) and u will have find out that the rules have about "how" they need to aproach God not "how" God request them to be aproached. So everything thwey have to aport to religion is "ethics" no "morals" and this distinction confuses a lot of people and the ortodox take advantage of that confusion.(Remember Jesus Christ thought the Ortodox of his time,and they were the once who took him to the cross and 2000 years later we find that we have ortodox within Christianity-oh! what a joke)


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