Monday, October 23, 2006

Monday 23rd of October
This bit that comes now is a letfover from yesterday.My weekend carrer was not feeling well (anuralgia produced when a person has glasses and for pure "looks" does not use them, it is quite stupid to play with ones health i know but ...) so i radically finished my publishing for yesterday.
If u remember when i told u that i had done a certificate degree in Aromatherapy i mention that it was at that time when i started to think that the most propable fight against HIV was by changing its enviroment.Well now when u find out that although cows milk intolerant i take 8 out of 28 meals a week mainly with diary products.Notice somehow that these diary products are all fermented cows milk.
before taking any decision about these diary products i consulted with my usual nutritionist at Nutri Centre(her name is Juliet) and she suggested to me that some chesse and live yoghurt would be ok;so i did and apart from a little bit increase in the phleme coming out from the longhues to the trachea(u know that by having or increasing ur diary products intake u increase the amount of phleme) i had no other problem and my healthy "looks" are quite good.
If i were a bit more scientific in my approach i could include here in this change of enviroment for HIV the glass of water with a drop of teatree and (i do this) have in my diet sellenium (it's proven that 200micrograms a day can help the work of the antiHIV combination; i take 2520 micrograms a day in the form of Brazil Nuts, organic,8).I am sure that there are other forms of "changing" the enviroment for HIV but these are the once i use.
One product that i dont take anymore but i use to is coenzyme Q-10 it does help with muscle building but be aware of cheap supplies;we may need a day around 30mg and the cheap once may contain in each pill only 5mg so is always useful to look at the composition of everything u may take.Another thing that is really good is called HONIGAR that is a mixture of honey and vinegar(cider one);it was used as a popular drink(as popular as coca cola now )by the roman army over 2000 years ago cos of its properties to heal and regenerate, and if u remember when Jesus Christ was on the cross and was thirsty asking for something to drink a roman soldier gave him exactly that, wet it in a sponge but i live up to ur inteligence to think that was for placating his thirst or to make him suffer for longer in his last minutes of life on the cross.
I told u that i have chlorella powder everyday, i do take this cos i think it cleanses the body off heavy metals plus aids my diggestion and i do happened to believe that the gut is in its function closely related to the function of the brain.


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