Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday 20th of October
This morning thinking about the point that i weas trying to make yesterday regarding the separation that exists today between art and science i got a figure in history before the 15th century that has all the signs of being both a scientist and artist his name was Leonardo Da Vinci.
Staying with the theme of "time ago" i have a few more points to make.
One of the points is about the plague also called "the black death". For looking at this point we need to use geography , history and religion. About 2 years ago more or less there was a program in Horizon about it in which it pointed out that this syndrom was not passed to other people through the bugs living in rats but the bugs living in human beings; they argue the point from a very scientific point of view and as i agree with them i am going to argue from an antropology point of view.The plague started in the island of Sycily and from there went to italian peninsula although it cuold travel as easly to north africa a region called now Tunisia. From southern Italy went to the north and to Switzerland also to the west(France and Spain) and to the east. The map of Europe about the geographical extention of the plague stopped in Spain in between the northwest and the southeast(the rest of spanish iberain peninsula was controled by the islamic kingdoms) and in the east by Russia and by the Otoman Empire;niow we need to think that at the time of the "black death" the roman branch of christianity was making asin to see ur own body naked without any clothing so people could not have a proper wash while the muslim kingdoms has a known system in Europe for public sanitation and was costumary to have a bath or a sauna and while u were doing this u were cleaning ur body.This is a reason for not going south (the plague i mean) but it stopped also before Russsia and the Scandinavia cos those bugs in human beings cant live very well in very cold temperatures.Further more at the begining of the 20th century there was an earth quake in San Francisco(USA) and they had a short apperiance of this syndrom but 1 years after it;when the earthquake happened there the underground became apparent in the ground and most of the rats in the pipes were dead however alll the people that was left homeless were put toghrether in large tends with very little or non sanitation.
The other 2 points are more of a religious nature.
Now i want to take u using ur imagination/fantasy to the time of Abraham the old patriarh.
Aparently he was aproaching old age and he needed a heir to succed him so all that he had accumulated would not be lost.This is as much as we know objectivly cos everything from now is subjective to the winner. It is never explained why he was so old and had no heir, this is highly suspicious... ,he appear to have 1 main wife, young and had 1 concubine, also young.they both had children with him, male once of course, we are not told why females one never appear in the story.Of course the one from his wife(this is what the story written by her tells us)was going to be his succesor but he was attempting non then less to sucrifice him(human sucrifice?wher ehe gets this idea from?) when GOD made him to ch=ange his hand and to slotter a ship instead.My silly question here is was it GOD or the angel of the Lord who made it possible.Did God in this moment did a historic decision?We have 3 main religions claiming to have the same GOD as origin but we need to analise this even very closely cos maybe this 3 religions (Islam ,Christianity and Judaism) have the same root but a different origin.
The next point it is that we call the period of middle age as an age of darkness but leets have another look at that period.We have a time when ordinary man gave their most trasures possesions to the Church to their individual representation not to Rome.This can be seen as many diferent centers giving light to illuminate the path of men but obcviously this people were foloweing their individual lighthouses not the main one; so maybe this main center of light was feeling left"behind" and decided that needed to close all those centers of illumination so people would be looking at Rome only.And here we have the dark ages of Europe on dark and the only light was the one from Rome.


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