Thursday, October 19, 2006

Keeping in the prehistorical time that we enter before (i this case might be below) we are looking at another situation that changed the course of history forever. I am talking about the mithologic and symbolic fight between David and Goliat.
I think that from the hunter gather society humanity avolved into trives that were still hunting and gathering fruits but started very slowely at the begining to keep some animals in order to breed them for using them. After a few hundread years of doing this some part of society started to move still in a very hunter and gathering fruits but with the intention of sheparding those flocks of animals;and from this went into(mainly done by woman)creating what is later known as agroculture.But there were still some "trives" that kept doing the hunter gather society keeping flocks of animals but not getting into the habbit of cultivating fruits from the planet;these travis become known as Nomadic and soon realise that if they took by suprise the other trive that had chosen a more cedentarian life style they could do they gathering of food and then leave quickly.
The situation happened for a few hundread years until the farming trives decided to retaliat.We need to imagine here that the Nomadic trives were a bunch of bullies, puting more attention in the body then in mind, fixating the attention into muscle power rather then inteligence; alsdo we need to imagine that the very "fed up" more farming kind of society started to create its own defenses like a group pating into closely tight links mainly done by family blood and in this way to defend themselfs against the suprise attacks of the Nomadic trives.Is in this context that we need to "picture" the fight between Goliat and Dqavid, as the fight between two kinds of "seeing" society.


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