Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My memory is allowing me a few more of my little secrets/knowledge.
If u have a problem of smelly feet u can wash ur feet as often as possible changing ur shoes and socks as often as possible and if its possible (sorry for the repetition) do not use trainers as they dont allow foot to breath therefor giving the "nice" enviroment in which the fungus lives(hot and wet)the wet is created by the sweat);apart from this u can use a cream or liquid, the cream is canisten after u have washed ur feet, of course, the liquid is a combination of Tea Tree essentail oil and Wallnut essential oil in a proportion 75% tea tree and 25%wallnut, use it as well after washing ur feet.In all my food i put a lot of garlic ,mostly fresh but sometimes is cooked also but when is cooked i make sure i put one clove of fresh too;this little secret/knowledge was given to me by friend who is practitioner of a form of acupressure(like acupuncter but without niddle)Jinsindo( i hope i have spell it right;the name of the therapist is Margot Massenger). She also gave me the clue to use sea weed.
Another contribiution that i got and when i mention before the uses of cider vinegar and microwave for cleaning was from the Channel 4 program "How clean is your house".
Regarding my many physical exercises mostly i got them by using my creativity and combining info gathered from gym instructors,physiotherapists, pilates, vision therapy, reflexology, reiki, balet and many more others that i might forget now but the essential clue was me and my creativity.
As usual cos of ther "german"(Alzhaimers) i might forget things i epologise.The german although doesnt stop me to talk a lot!


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