Thursday, October 19, 2006

Thursday 19th of October
This morning i was listening to the radio(Radio4) when there was a program by Melvin Bragg(funny, maybe u know what is the name for womans nickers in spanish is braga and this guy who is even a lord...) in which he was talking with a team of experts trying to find out why China that until the 19th century was a head in the science race suddenly gave way to the non-stop machinery of discoveries by the west.Maybe the answer is that until the 19th century in China and the 16th century in Europe science was linked to art but after this significative dates science discoveries were link not to art anymore but to the economy.
I need to tell u know in a trip back in time to a time when humanity was hunter gathering food in which the trives could not afford to have seeek people so they were left behind.But amazingly some of this "left behind" people heal themselfs ,they maybe got that info to heal themselfs through dreams or intuition(ELVES?) and started to produce( cos they were feeling lonely) artistic paintings and started to speak about a strange contents that when they trives got knowledge of this thought of those people that had been "left behind" as special and treated them with respect and gave them all kind of protections including wealth.This "left behind people" that heal themselfs instead of aknowledge their nonsensic reality that their knowledge had come from kept the idea(maybe for integration) but their really were "special".
So here we can have one begining of that conection between not only science and art but why some "scientists" nowdays are consider to be so incredibly special(take for example the case of medical doctors in which they are given the personal "power" of whoever may be seek cos they might think they can heal them and forgeting that they are only human and therefor make mistakes).
Until the above period of times in the east and west we had links between astronomy and astrology between biology and alchemy(mathematics and music,literature and language, and many other more) but when profit came into the oquation evrithing change in that relation. Artists again interested in pleasing thier Patrons and the general public in order to scratch a livng and science became interested in pleasing first the goverments and then the industries in order to survive.


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