Saturday, October 21, 2006

saturday 21st October
After publishing yesterday those disturbing reflections (disturbing for you not for me. I had them for years maybe they are the ones for blaming my "craziness") I have to apologise, SORRY! I don't know what went into me to make me to say those things i made 2 hours before having my "weekly little smoke" (I smoke the "pipe" only on Fridays but do not ask me why); maybe it was becausethat i publshed those reflections one hour and half hours after having an "ugly" meeting with my actual housing officer, Ms Deborah Banwoo, that came into my flat with an unnounced colleague of hers (maybe because the previous housing officer Ms Nichol Williams, left a note to her that i could be a violent person and she wanted protection; but forgetting the old chinese "adiggio" that says that a tree does not move when the wind blows its branches, well i am not sure if its chinese but i thought of it about 3 months ago when i was reading a book on Tai Chi). But i have no real excuse because i have a lot of useless information that i can make available to my mind whenever i feel unhappy.
like for example do you know the story behind the song "dancing queen" by ABBA"? Well about 30 years ago the King of Sweden needed to get married and although his girlfriend at the time was beautiful he could not marry her because she could not have children (?!) so there was no succession. Him and the whole country were devasteted because of this role However (A Cilla Black moment now, please!) very quickly he "found" another girlfrind who could have children and was also beautiful and younger than the one before; so the whole country breathe in relief so wider was the country's relief that ABBA wrote " dancing queen".
Or even did you know that the nazis are the ones to "thank" when we do enjoy a night out dancing in a night club? How is this possible? You may ask. Let me take you back to the conquest of Paris by the German during the 2nd world war. Before taking overall control of the city Paris had many fashionable orchestras playing jazz and as we all know this music at the time was mainly played by black musicians. When the nazis invaded Paris implemented the rule that people could not dance at the sound of the music produced by a low class race like black people (sorry for this!) so they imposed that all the dancing clubs had to play records instead. Here we have the beginning of "clubbing".
As we say in Spain "a otra cosa mariposa".
About 2 weeks ago when i publshed the list of supplements that i take daily i forgot to mention one that i take 15 grams of it a day,taken in 3 times daily of 5 grams each time. As i wanted to build it up in my system i started with doses of only 5 grams a day then 10 grams a day,
now 15 grams and in the new year it will become 20 gms. as you might imagine this is a powder and its name chlorella. As most of the things i take i buy it through the internet and there i get a cheap price (otherwise my weak economy would collapse under the "weight" of such many pills). I take it within teas (I take 4 different teas a day .. green tea for breakfast, white tea for lunch, red bush infusion for the break between lunch and supper and tranquility blend for supper to help to sleep) and into soup (that is made freshly every moday and thursday and has as ingrdients ptatoes,garlic, onion, coconut oil and 1 tblspoon of each of the following sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, leen seeds and seaweed, the seeds being grounded before cooking and 6 cloves of fresh garlic when its blended after it has cooled).
The single and most important contribution to my diet/healthy eating for the last few years was, under the guidance of the nutritionist Charllotte Watts (tel 01273690011), to have tested my blood for food intolerances and in this way i discovered that i was eating things that were not making me healthy. I am intolerant, for example, to things that many people is like cows milk or wheat but i discovered that i am intolerant to other things more unusual like beans (i was taking soya milk since 1995 and soya is a bean), most pulses, lobster, crab, prawns, almonds,peanuts, cashew nuts, hazel nuts, and some others. So this is something that i would recommend very strongly to everybody to find out what iss healthy for you or not. This single (really is multiple) discovery will help you to find your way back (or forward) to health (physically speaking of course).
Once again apologies for yesterday!


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