Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wednesday 28th March
On Thursday 1st March, I had the impulse that I wanted to go back to studying; something that I have not done for the last 29 years. There are many reasons why I wanted that, but perhaps the most interesting one is the therapeutic point of view from which we can say that since I am having everything under my supervision and control at home this is the main reason why I do not want to get out. Of course there are other powerful reasons like not being physically very suited for socialising like for example I have to eat with my mouth open or food has to be given to me or I have no dextirity in my hands because of the lack of coordination and probably also because of this, when I speak I spit saliva coming out like missiles for the two or three metres in front of me, (thank God I can speak loud), but I needed a very powerful excuse for leaving my protective environment, also called home, and for the last six years, I have been looking for one without not much success; however, now I think that I got a very good excuse by doing again the studying. I want to study ANTHROPOLOGY, and although in theory there are quite a lot of organisations and people that should help a disabled person to navigate his or her route through the incredible 'mess' of information about it, 'at the end of the day', I had to do everything by myself with the help of my personal assistant; so this is what I did, among other things, for the last two weeks or so and I got, after quite a few frustrating telephone calls a course in the community colleges at City Lights and Birbeck College; also I got information about a University course at the Goldsmith University College in New Cross, (SE London), and yesterday I did an application for them in the website of UCAS, and of course now it will be up to Goldsmith to accept me or not, but so far I have done everything that I can. Nonetheless, in June I will get the prospectus for the Birkbeck College in which I have the possibility of starting two evenings a week in September for eight weeks and at the end of an assessment, I will be given if I am successful, a diploma, but of course I would prefer much more to go into University, something that I did not do 29 years ago back in Spain. For City Lights College, I need to call them in July to get a prospectus from them but I believe that they have a one day course on Anthropology but I do not know for how long it runs for and what title I will get at the end and if I am going to have an assessment or an exam for it. So all in all, I have to wait and see. (thanks to God or better I say thanks my friend in Tenerife Island who recommended me to take Bach essential remedies which I am taking, Willow, Beech and Impatiens).
There is a very powerful reason behind doing these courses or course and that is that I am going to 'Morgage' my time for the future. In November 1983, I was told in Madrid by a German astrologer that I would live until the age of 83, and I would die from a heart attack while sleeping a siesta or nap in the afternoon; According with the HIV information that some organisations have, if you happen to be 25 years old and you happen to get HIV, it is likely that you might live until the age of 64; the life line in my right palm says that I might live very well until well into my 90s; well I am now 47 years old and I do not know if I will die next year, when I am 64, 83, or well into my 90s. I have this impulse that I am going to study anthropology, whether I will finish it or not is another question but hopefully my life has changed dramatically nine years and eight days ago, (that is when I was diagnosed with PML); my beliefs and phylosophies in life lies with the teachings of Don Juan, and everybody connected with those teachings is an anthropologists so I am going to become one if I can. I have done many things in my time but this is the most 'special'.
(Well, 'most' is aware that I want to get rid of it when I refer to myself but obviously at the moment it is within my vocabulary so I need to use it but if in the past I used to call 'obstacles' in life 'problems' and I managed to call them 'situations', I think that I can call 'most' something that I do not know just yet what.)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Sat 10th March
I have started again with a combination therapy. I started with it last Tuesday; I was having two tablets of Atazanavir and 1 of Ritonavir, and now I take also one of Truvada. I take them all together so far, without food and supposedly it is ok. I keep in the fridge only Ritonavir. the other two medications I have them at room temperature.
I decided also that when I am finishing all the food supplementations I will keep three supplements: 1 tablet of melatonin when I go to bed, that although it is not strictly speaking, a sleeping pill, it is a natural form of going to sleep because it is relaxing my muscles, so it is easier to go to sleep. The other two that I will keep are antivirals, and I think that I will keep them because they protect me well against any infections, (fingers crossed). They are olive leaf extracts and Neem extracts. I have two of each a day. One olive leaf extract in the morning and one in the evening and two neem leaf in the afternoon.
However, I will try to keep this food supplementation to this minimum and I do not think that it will cost me more than around 12 pounds a month but I can afford that with my new packet, that it will come into proper effect at the end of this year, or perhaps at the beginning of the new year...............................................................................................................................................................
Taking from the advice of a friend of mine who lives in Tenerife island, and who is a Basque, I started taking Bach flower remedy; first I started with willow, that I took for over one month to work against me getting sometimes angry or frustrated, and although I stopped these drops, I will take them whenever I feel, and stop the crisis of anger coming through. On Sunday 4th March, I started taking other drops of Beech also by the advice of this friend of mine. This one is supposed to help me with tolerance, so I can see more that people are striving for perfection in their own way, although their way might not be my way, but they are still trying to achieve it, and so far, with these drops, I have been able to go quite deep within my physchic, also with the help of telephone counselling that I do weekly with PACE, in which that I have found out a trace of my character that was created over 40 years ago and that made me believe that I am a very 'special' kind of human being. Apparently it was varied within my physchic, (the worse solution you can do to a trace of character), about 29 years ago, more or less, when I gave up studying, but it kept surfacing from time to time whenever I had a problem or confrontation with another person, as a way of defence of course, but it was creating a hard skin that was making me to be more harmful than I was wishing to be. What it was coming up was something like saying into my own mind things like, do you dare?...dont you know who I am?......and of course this is coming from the time when I was a child and I was being very much looked after by my parents with a lot of their protective love around me, and now that I am so childlike in my physical dependency, about my disability, that attitude was also coming through, so I can see that I am very grateful that I spotted it and hopefully I can control it by having that 'trace' character of mine in front of me all the time and die properly, not anymore trying to ignore it.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

8th March 2007
This is my new whole week menu. I have changed it slightly because of two things: One is that I self-diagnosed myself with candida albicans and also because I was not happy with the whole week menu being a little bit racist, because I had two meals a day on a Monday that was with Pork meat, spanish but pork, and very much against Muslims and Jews, that as you might know they cannot eat pork for religious reasons.
I do have now a lot of lemon juice, and I am still a little bit fat and I think that this is because I do not do as many exercises as I used to do before. There is one food that I need to explain a little bit further; on tuesday evenings for supper I used to have Boquerones (this is fresh fish, a spanish tapa, but basically it is white baite that is the fish they make the anchovies from, but before becoming anchovies, they are white and when they put them in salt they can become brown; in order to keep them white, they are preserved in vinegar and that is how I get it from the spanish shop, and with the candida self diagnosis, I do not have any kind of vinegar anymore. When the Muslims were controlling the Iberian peninsula, a few hundred years ago, obviously because they could not eat pork, they decided to create a food that would be like the Jamon serrano, but without pork meat, so they thought of tuna fish, steaks of tuna that were kept in salt exactly like ham, but instead of being part meat, it is tuna fish preserved and cured in salt. The result is what we now have, and call MOJAMA, that I will buy prepared with olive oil, but I will disregard the oil because I believe it has all the salt from the fish and I do not need that.
I also decided not to have any more yoghurt, although it was made from goat's milk, but somehow I am not feeling 'happy', about me having it; the goat's milk I have it in kefir so it is being 'changed'; the cheese is also goat's milk but it has been transformed into cheese, so somehow friendly bacteria has made the process to be helpful to my system, I think.
Well, I think, or I hope that you like my new whole menu, that is not a way of telling you what to eat but of telling you that you can design your own intake of food, according with how or what you need or want to eat.
Before leaving the bed Elfrid has a glass of water with one drop of Tea Tree, this one to be added to the water exactly before he has it, with the medication, then Monday to Friday is porridge that it will be 15 grams of millet porridge and 15 grams of scottish porridge oats and the grounding of 4 brazil nuts and 1 teaspoon of the following pumpkin, sunflower,leen and hemp seeds all of this again grounded well and mixed with the porridge. All of this is mixed with rice milk and put in the microwave for 1and a half mins, when it comes out you stir it well and add more rice milk if necessary.
On Saturday and Sunday (but on Sundays is slightly different because with the breakfast is a flapjack and on Sun days also is the breakfast all at the same time because on Sat like it is the rest of the week, first is the tea (this tea is green tea in which the bag should be in the cup until you put the chlorella powder-1 and a 1/2 teaspoons- with a level teaspoon of xylitol for at least if poss. 45mins brewing), and a bit later the second half of the breakfast), breakfast consists kefir (this is made from semi-skimmed goats milk), with the grounding of 4 brazil nuts and 1 teaspoon of sunflower,pumpkin,lin and hemp seeds, add 1 tablespoon of Xylitol together with half a liter of kefir; after grounding well the nuts and seeds you blend well with a kefir and you give it to Elfrid in 2 tall glasses for him to have it with a straw.
This is put on the table for Elfrid to have breakfast together with the appropriate medication and the cup of tea with the clorella and the xylitol. Flapjack cut in 5 only on friday morning and Sunday breakfast.

Monday –An omelette(of 2 eggs) with whole jar of asparagus, 2 chopped cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of oregano. The oil in the frying pan needs to be grapeseed oil(only 1 tblspoon), and 3 slices of Ryvita Rye bread.
Tuesday – 90 g of buckwheat pasta with 1 tomato sir fried in the wok with a clove of garlic and one teaspoon of oregano and parsley. When ready to blend add another clove of garlic, half a jar of black olives and 1 teaspoon of chives.
Wednesday –50 grms of boiled basmati brown rice blended with 100g of steamed broccolli and 1 regular size carrot, that need to be steamed also,(100g aprox.), add 1 teaspoon of parsley; in the blender you need to put the rice and the steamed vegs, a glove of garlic and ¼ of a jar of olives.You blend it well and serve.
Thursday – 100g of buckwheat pasta with 2 tomatoes stir fried in the wok, with a clove of garlic and one teaspoon of oregano and parsley. when ready to blend add another clove of garlic and half a jar of anchovies and one tablespoon of grapeseed oil in blender.

Friday – 60 grams of Quinoa, that has been washed, boiled and blended together with a marinated but drained artichokes, 1 teaspoon of chives, the juice of a lemon, 25 mustard seeds, 1 teaspoon of the following thyme, rosemary and oregano, 1 clove of garlic and a pinch of tumeric.
Saturday – 2 steaks of frozen cod ( that needs to be defrosted in the microwave for 8 min.) together with the sauce of 2-3 tomatoes(according to size) that has been stir fried in the wok with grapeseed oil and then blended together with 50g of beetroot. To this blending of the tomato-beetroot sauce you add the defrosted cod steaks (approx. 200 grams) together with 2 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of chives. When all is blended adjust salt if necessary..Add 1 teaspoon of Xylitol and adjust salt if necessary.
Sunday – Half of butternut squash that needs to be steamed for 10 minutes and while this is happening you can make the lime drink(see note for references how to make it), this is blended together with 1/2 jar of anchovies plus the the juice of a whole lemon and 1 teaspoon of chives, add 1 or 2 cloves of garlic depending on strength of the garlic.

Note - Everyday for lunch Elfrid has cup of tea(red bush tea with a bag inside until you add the chlorella powder - 1 and 1/2 teaspoons - and one level teaspoon of xylitol, leaving the brewing for at least if poss. 45mins, if not, then cool it down with more cold water. After lunch the PA needs to leave on the table a cup of tranquility tea with 1 level teaspoon of Xylitol Monday to Saturday because on Sundays the PA needs to leave on the table a cup of cranberry juice.

Monday – 60 grams of Quinoa, that has been washed, boiled and blended together with 50grms of goats milk cheese, the juice of a lemon, 1 teaspoon of the following: oregano, parsley and thyme, one tablespoon of seaweed, soaked for 15 mins before using, 1/4 jar of olives and one clove of garlic. All of this is blended and served.
Tuesday– In the blender you put a whole packet of Mojama. 90 grams of boiled potatoes together with a pinch of following ginger and turmeric and half of an avocado, white of a steamed egg, 1 clove of garlic, 30 seeds of mustard, all in the blender with one teaspoon of the following rosemary, oregano, thyme and parsley and a quarter jar of olives and the juice of one lemon. Add 1 tblspoon grapeseed oil.Blended all together adjust the salt if necessary.

Wednesday – 1 boiled Aubergine, 150g of beetroot, 1 clove of garlic. Blend it well.
Thursday – You need to put in the blender 50gr of goat's milk cheese plus the grounding of 1 tablespoon of hempseeds, a pinch of tumeric, half an avocado also 130 grams of boiled potatoes,the white of 1 boiled egg, 2 cloves of garlic, 30 seeds of mustard, eight olives, 1 tablespoon of grapeseed oil and the juice of half a lemon, all in the blender with 1 teaspoon of the following rosemary, oregano, thyme and mint. Blended all together.
Friday – 225grms of spinach, 50 grams of boiled potatoes, a boiled egg , 50g of beetroot, 1 teaspoon of the following rosemary, oregano, thyme, and juice of half a lemon, and 1 clove of garlic, all of this is blended together with 30 mustard seeds.
Saturday - You put in the blender a whole packet of (175g already cooked), mussels, 1 tablespoon of grapeseed oil, the juice of a whole lemon, and one teaspoon of parsley and another of chives, one clove of garlic, and two pinches of ginger and 50gr of boiled potatoes. Blend them well, and serve.
Sunday – Vegetable Salad that needs to be steamed in the afternoon when the butternut squash is steamed (so it will have time to cool down, this is a salad and if its hot it isnt a salad), this consists of the white of a steamed egg, 150g of steamed broccolli, 50g of steamed potatoes, 100 grams of steamed carrots that have to be washed and all of this need to be steamed around 15 mins and together with this you put ¼ of a jar of olives plus 1 tablespoon of grapeseed oil, the juice of a whole lemon, and a pinch of turmeric when going to blend and 2 tablespoons of seaweed which has been soaked for 15 mins. All of this is blended together.

NOTE: for supper Elfrid has usually one cup of soup to which 1 and a 1/2 teaspoon of chlorella is added. The soup is freshly made every Monday and Thursday from 1150 ml of water approx., 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil,120 gr(approx) of potatoes, 1 red onion, 3 tblspoons of sea weed, 1 tblspoon (each) of the following seeds sunflower,pumpkin,hemp and linseeds when blended add also 6 cloves of garlic and spices: one pinch of each turmeric and ginger (please use Coconut oil while last). This soup that will do Monday to Saturday is one of the drinks for dinner, the other drink consists of a cup of lemon/lime drink that is made as follows: put in the blender 250ml of drinking ,cold water,1 whole lime(never peelled, and cut in 8) and 1 tblspoon full of extra virgin olive oil,blend well for 3 minutes at least(if neccesary longer) and then blend all of this and pour into a special cup(one of those that have 2 handles), after seefing it. (On Sundays that there is no soup, the drinks for dinner will consist of one cup cranberry juice to which 1 and a 1/2 teaspoon of chlorella powder has been added, mix vigorously; and one cup of lime drink).