Saturday, March 10, 2007

Sat 10th March
I have started again with a combination therapy. I started with it last Tuesday; I was having two tablets of Atazanavir and 1 of Ritonavir, and now I take also one of Truvada. I take them all together so far, without food and supposedly it is ok. I keep in the fridge only Ritonavir. the other two medications I have them at room temperature.
I decided also that when I am finishing all the food supplementations I will keep three supplements: 1 tablet of melatonin when I go to bed, that although it is not strictly speaking, a sleeping pill, it is a natural form of going to sleep because it is relaxing my muscles, so it is easier to go to sleep. The other two that I will keep are antivirals, and I think that I will keep them because they protect me well against any infections, (fingers crossed). They are olive leaf extracts and Neem extracts. I have two of each a day. One olive leaf extract in the morning and one in the evening and two neem leaf in the afternoon.
However, I will try to keep this food supplementation to this minimum and I do not think that it will cost me more than around 12 pounds a month but I can afford that with my new packet, that it will come into proper effect at the end of this year, or perhaps at the beginning of the new year...............................................................................................................................................................
Taking from the advice of a friend of mine who lives in Tenerife island, and who is a Basque, I started taking Bach flower remedy; first I started with willow, that I took for over one month to work against me getting sometimes angry or frustrated, and although I stopped these drops, I will take them whenever I feel, and stop the crisis of anger coming through. On Sunday 4th March, I started taking other drops of Beech also by the advice of this friend of mine. This one is supposed to help me with tolerance, so I can see more that people are striving for perfection in their own way, although their way might not be my way, but they are still trying to achieve it, and so far, with these drops, I have been able to go quite deep within my physchic, also with the help of telephone counselling that I do weekly with PACE, in which that I have found out a trace of my character that was created over 40 years ago and that made me believe that I am a very 'special' kind of human being. Apparently it was varied within my physchic, (the worse solution you can do to a trace of character), about 29 years ago, more or less, when I gave up studying, but it kept surfacing from time to time whenever I had a problem or confrontation with another person, as a way of defence of course, but it was creating a hard skin that was making me to be more harmful than I was wishing to be. What it was coming up was something like saying into my own mind things like, do you dare?...dont you know who I am?......and of course this is coming from the time when I was a child and I was being very much looked after by my parents with a lot of their protective love around me, and now that I am so childlike in my physical dependency, about my disability, that attitude was also coming through, so I can see that I am very grateful that I spotted it and hopefully I can control it by having that 'trace' character of mine in front of me all the time and die properly, not anymore trying to ignore it.


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