Monday, February 05, 2007

I have sent this letter document to my doctor in the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital because from the 1st of March I will be taking full combination therapy and I want him to be able of everything I take at the moment, although when I finish everything that I have in storage I will not buy any more.
I have also reduced the exercises that I do to have only the ones that make my speech to improve, my legs strong enough and flexibility, so all the other exercises like the ones I have with the weights I do not do them anymore. The weights I gave them in donation to THT, through the London lighthouse, and from nearly four hours of exercises I have a day now I have about 45 minutes. So because of this, my intake of food has been reduced also considerably, so I am not eating a lot because I do not consume many calories anymore, but I think I have still a very balanced diet.
All of these changes are because the system that we have helps, it seems, only to those who look bad; those who like me who may be looking well but are still as fat as before they pay the price of looking well. It might be dangerous what I do but somehow I think that the many years that I have been looking after my body so well are going to carry me throught now, and when I even try to commit suicide, that my own body was healing itself very quickly, hopefully now, will happen something similar.
I will still keep writing, no problem about that.


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