Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tuesday the 19th of December
Last saturday morning i had a little bit of diaorhea while i was in bed but i didint give much importance.This kind of little accidents happens when u have AIDS u get used to them but in the late afternoon early eve the same day i started experiencing very violent headache suprisingly,only on the left of my head but still i did not give it much importance.The night from saturday to sunday i woke up at 1.10am and i couldnt get back to sleep and the headache was still with me so at around 4.30am i took my first 2 paracethamols and when the carer arrived the same morning later on i told him that i needed to have 2 paracethamols with every meal.For breakfast i had only the liquid part, for lunch the same although liquid was very little but i had the medication with it and paracetamol;So in the larte afternoon i called the NHS direct who after asking me a few questions put me in contact with my local GP surgery whom send a doctor soon after finding out a few details about me; when the doctor came couldnt find anything wrong with me apart from the violent headache on the left side of my head so she told me to continue to take paracetamols , she gave me another painkiller and advised me that if in 2 hrs the headache had not gone i should call an ambulance but as i am so terrified of going into hosp[uital and staying there overnight in case of catching any infection there, 2 hrs past and the headache although less intense was still with me so i decided to wait and see until monday.That night i went early to bed after having supper (so some food solid).I woke up at around 12.30am i couldnt go back to sleep so the following morning that i had a different carer i stayed in bed with my headache and since i have in theory a busy day i posponed until the eve to call or not an ambulance.After lunch(i was having solid food by then )the headache dissapeared ,probably cos of so many painkillers.So that was telling me that what i had it was a bug infection in the stomach that doctor said as the most probably cause.Fortunately in my case i head only headache and no fever;on sunday i had also phobia of light but by monday afternoon had gone.Today tuesday i have no problem with the light at all my mind is as alive as my usual and i have only a very small area of small pain in the left (around my ear) so hopefully by 2moro everything will be gone and i can sleep as usual again.
If by 2moro i am back to myself i will tell u about my new eating habits and about my new exercise regime.


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