Friday 1st of December
Hey! Today is the BIG day.I hope you do something FOR people living with HIV/Aids or better i say WITH rather then FOR.I am doing a "little bit" myself.
On Monday the 5th of March 2007 i was suppose to take again, the combination therapy that included Maraviroc but 2 events happened that help me to change my mind.On tuesday the 21st of November i recieved the weekly e-mail from NAM(national AIDS Manual) called HIV weekly in which there was a little report(62 couples/cases only) from Spain in which a member (partner) of every couple was HIV+ and having had for a few months unprotected sex the other member of the couple had not contracted HIV althought they had unprotected sex(sorry for the repetition but i think is quite significative);The article mentioned also that athought this data reflects that there wasn't transmision without any sexual protection wasnt to be taken as a talking for not having protected sex and i agree with this.On wednesday the 29th i watched the movie "Constant Gardner" which brought me rather desperate social situation in Africa; for those of u who had not seen the movie i can tell u that the "BIG" pharmacuetical companies and the big bully countries in the developed world like GB and USA abuse the desperate situation in which the people of Africa(any country) exist (i can not call it life sorry).So in my mind i put this 2 events together and i thought that although having the combination with Maraviroc may be experimentation in which people in Africa and other developing countries may benefit what this little report from Spain says to me with the mesage from that movie is that there is something important that everybody seems to be missing in the fight against HIV/AIDS , quality rather then quantity is more important.What this 62 couples are showing is that if u have quality of life in your living by this i mean balanced and very good diet/food, very good exercise regime and very good hygenic conditions in yuor living u may not need to do the usal things(like medication) in order to prevent the transmision of HIV and what is lacking in Africa and other developing countries(well Africa is not a country )is that quality of life.However they are the targwet to give them all sort of experimenting drugs.
So my little very little contribiution is not to take the experimentation of MARAVIROC in my body from Spring 2007.
I know its a very small contribiurtion but they say that a butterfly "flaps" its wings in the east of CHINA a storm happends in the west of USA(i think i am saying the right things hope u know what i mean) so i am doing to is to "flap" my wings(he.he.he!)
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