Monday, February 05, 2007

Male Multiple(calcium,magnesium,vit c, e,b12, choline,inositol,thiamin,riboflavin,zinc,selenium, copper,manganese,boron,chromium) 1
Vinpocentine(Perwinkle)(cellulose,vegetarian capsule,magnesium,anti-caking agent,silicon dioxcide,vinpocentine) 1
Olive Leaf(olive leaf extract) 1
Atazanavir 2
Ritonavir 1
Neem Leaf (each capsule contains 450mg Neem Leaf Powder in gelatine capsule) 2
Turmeric(tumeric extract, gelatin capsule shell, cellulose, stearic acid, magnesium, stearate) 1
Fish Oil( fish oil) 2
Male Multiple 1
Gotu Kola(raw gotu cola, gotu cola leaf powdered extract) 1

Vinpocentine(Perwinkle) 1
Fish Oil 3
Neem Leaf 2
Olive Leaf 1
Gotu Kola 1
Turmeric 1
With the food in the supper, Elfrid has soup Monday to Saturday, and Sundays he has cranberry juice, whether it is in the soup or in the cranberry juice, you need to put one and a half teaspoons of chlorella powder, (protein,vits a, cthiamin,riboflavin,niacin, vit B6,B12,magnesium,iron potassium,chlorophyll,mixed cartotenoids, chlorella growth factor. The same powder and the same quantity I have it also in the morning and afternoon meals, still in two cups of juices, breakfast juice for the morning, and tropical juice for the afternoon.) Remember to mix and stir well.
Melatonin 1
On Mondays and Thursdays, remember to change the water in the bedside table, so Elfrid can have fresh water in the mornings to take 1 tablet of ‘Saccharo Boulardi’. Also Monday to Sunday, I have for supper and to help me to have the melatonin when I go to bed a LIME DRINK. I.E. a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, 250ml of water and one lime cut in eight, all in the blender for three minutes and then it is passed through the seef and I have it for supper and whatever is left when I go to bed.
I am sending you this list so you can decide what combination therapy I might have according with the supplementation I take at the moment. As I told you, when I finish them, I finish, it will be left only the melatonin and the lime drink. All the other food supplements including the chlorella powder are going to disappear when I finish them, I will not buy any more.
I hope this is helping you in the decision.


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