Thursday, March 08, 2007

8th March 2007
This is my new whole week menu. I have changed it slightly because of two things: One is that I self-diagnosed myself with candida albicans and also because I was not happy with the whole week menu being a little bit racist, because I had two meals a day on a Monday that was with Pork meat, spanish but pork, and very much against Muslims and Jews, that as you might know they cannot eat pork for religious reasons.
I do have now a lot of lemon juice, and I am still a little bit fat and I think that this is because I do not do as many exercises as I used to do before. There is one food that I need to explain a little bit further; on tuesday evenings for supper I used to have Boquerones (this is fresh fish, a spanish tapa, but basically it is white baite that is the fish they make the anchovies from, but before becoming anchovies, they are white and when they put them in salt they can become brown; in order to keep them white, they are preserved in vinegar and that is how I get it from the spanish shop, and with the candida self diagnosis, I do not have any kind of vinegar anymore. When the Muslims were controlling the Iberian peninsula, a few hundred years ago, obviously because they could not eat pork, they decided to create a food that would be like the Jamon serrano, but without pork meat, so they thought of tuna fish, steaks of tuna that were kept in salt exactly like ham, but instead of being part meat, it is tuna fish preserved and cured in salt. The result is what we now have, and call MOJAMA, that I will buy prepared with olive oil, but I will disregard the oil because I believe it has all the salt from the fish and I do not need that.
I also decided not to have any more yoghurt, although it was made from goat's milk, but somehow I am not feeling 'happy', about me having it; the goat's milk I have it in kefir so it is being 'changed'; the cheese is also goat's milk but it has been transformed into cheese, so somehow friendly bacteria has made the process to be helpful to my system, I think.
Well, I think, or I hope that you like my new whole menu, that is not a way of telling you what to eat but of telling you that you can design your own intake of food, according with how or what you need or want to eat.


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