Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thrusday 18th of January
Today i want to put a thought that i got from the book "I was Carlos Castaneda"(sorry i dont remember who wrote it) i which the spirit of Carlos said to the writer of the book that there is a simularity between all the world religions and mountains; Of course the idea is from him but the reflection is mine.If you look closely at the begining of all the main religions like Christianity or Buddhism and so on , there is always a mountain associated with it; for exapmle in the Christian religion Bethlehem is on the side of a mountain, Moses received the 10 commandments from God supposedly on the sumit of a mountain and many more other examples you can find; if u look at it from this angle the pyramids in Egypt, central America or SE Asia just as an example of many they all are a very absrtact image of a mountain.In ancient Chinese philosophy there is yin and yang and of course nothing is absolut in it bit from this point of view that we are exploring now a mountain is yang and yang is masculin and if u look at all the main religions there are man controlling them .Is this just coincident. the female or feminine atributes to somethingis that they adapt things to the person needs whether the masculin or male atributes to something are rigidity, a person needs have to be accomodated to the rule. And this is the explanation of this what is happening today , i think.
Another thought that i have is that when i was diagnosed with having HIV 17 years ago, i went to the castle in Spain where St Dominic(the founder of the Dominicans) was born. And so i found out this that comes now. St Dominic was born to a nobele family in the north part of Spain;he was the forth of two more varons and 1 more female; as it was the traditional custom the first son would inherit everything, the 2nd was becoming a warrior and the 3rd son or a daughter would follow the religious way; so this was the apth that was left for Dominic to follow and he was so far right in religion that all the religious people in Spain decided that it would be good for his education in the religious path to send him to Rome, so he could have a taste of moderation by seeing the life of the Pope; however he had to go through the France where he stopped to help from a religous point of view the bishop that was fighting Hugo Notes and started by taking a costum that he got from the reconquest in Spain, this si a costum from the Muslim side in which the warriors before going into fight are being blessed and promised that if they die in battle they will go staright to heaven. as i said dominic took this and adapted this to the Christianity and from that moment on chaplency was created.His fame because of this and other acts grew so when he arrived to Rome the followers of his were called Dominicans already.
More or less this what i can think now about it, i might be wrong in some inforamtion but one thing is for sure if Dominic would have been the 1st born son to his family we would not have today Dominicans.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Monday 8th of January 2007

Male Multiple 2
Vinpocentine(Perwinkle) 1
Olive Leaf 1
Atazanavir 2
Ritonavir 1
Gotu Kola 1
With the juice for breakfast you mix and stir well a slightly 1 and a half teaspoons of chlorella powder.
Neem Leaf 2
Turmeric 1
Fish Oil 2
Male Multiple 1
Gotu Kola 1
For the lunch Elfrid will have acup of juice with 1 and a half teaspoons of chlorella.
When you put cup of tranquility tea (on Sundays is a cup of cranberry juice) on the table after lunch rememder to put a flapjack cut in 5 (cover the plate).
Vinpocentine(Perwinkle) 1
Fish Oil 3
Neem Leaf 2
Olive Leaf 1
Gotu Kola 1
Turmeric 1
With the food in the supper, Elfrid has soup Monday to Saturday, and Sundays he has cranberry juice, whether it is in the soup or in the cranberry juice, you need to put one and a half teaspoons of chlorella powder, remember to mix and stir well.
Melatonin 1
On Mondays and Thursdays, remember to change the water in the bedside table, so Elfrid can have fresh water in the mornings to take 1 tablet of ‘Saccharo Boulardi’ and also remember that in the morning on those days the PA needs to change the water(filtered) in the containers by the site of the STATUE in the livingroom.
This the medication list that i have everyday when i am at home(now days is everyday since last years easter cos the PCT wants to make a new policy of care in the community and although is a very good idea in my particular case it is a mistake but until they see that i am been condem tobe at home).the only thing i need to add to this list is that at the moment i am taking one tablet of acyclovir with every meal , this is 3 tablets a day of 400mg; I take this against the Herpes virus that gives me mostly cold sore but i also feel that since my immune system is not very strong the Herpes virus has joint forces with the HIV and with whatever virus i got over 3 weeks ago when i told u that i had a gastric flue; Well the gastric flue i dont think iss such a thing afterall cos the headaches or the pains in the left lobule of the brain keep happening.
Last Friday i started with accupuncture that although i dont think is very much and essential part of my recovery.It is quite important. I think it will help and the accupuncturist knows me since the year 2000 so i dont need to explain to him as it was the first time.His name is Nick or Nicholas Masters (07710575094).
I hope you all had a good entrance in the NewYear and i do believe it is going to be very Good One especially for the Gemini people according to oxydental astrology and in just over 1 month we will enter the chinese year of the PIG (well i need to be patience for my year, for it is next).
I also need to communicate you that apart from having my worst Xmas and New Year period ever i was watching something incredibly good in my computer.I prefer to concentrate on the positive aspects in my life rather then the negative ones.The films that i watched are called " What the bleep do we know" and "What the bleep down the rabbit hole"; they are ABSOLUTLY MIND BLOWING experience i would strongly recommend them to you i got them from HMV although a friend of mine recommended them to me.Apparently it is an american rewality and conception and so far i believe you can get it only in english (well american english ), but it spells out the "wierd" part of reality.anyway i could be talking about it for hours but i think its better if u watch it so you make your mind up about what it says.