Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thursday 30th of November
As i told u once before i am a double pisces(oxydental astrological sign of pisces with my accendent in pisces).I tend to do thing all the way or not at all and this is my challenge to find my middle way;well i am doing excatly that whether i will sucide time will tell.
5 days ago i started to read the book"Gut Instinct" by Pierre Pallardy and it talks about doing thinks in a moderatly way so we will not harm our bodies;cos of this i have change all me exercise routine, i do more or less all the same but with less repetitions and the time i was spending before doing them was between 4-5 hours a day and now is between 3 and 3 and a half(it has unbalance my whole routine). On a later stage i will tell u how all of them are left now and i will tell u also whetjher the attempt, my attempt of trying find the middle way is working.also i was getting fat and i am sorry for the people who advocate in favour of it but i am not feeling happy at all;i also with this or i eat a lot or i eat little therefor going from being fat to being very slim i want to try to see if i get the middle way here too.
In one week time the 7th of december,hopefuly, i will have the bathroom floor put by the Carpet Library that are the subcontractors of K&C housing trust;carpet library has let me down twice before so i really hope this time is going to be the good one and when this happens i will take photos of the bathroom and i will put them here cos if u my notice in the prints of my home there are 2 rooms missing the bathroom and the kitchen.Again for the kitchen i wait until is finish(nearly)in order to take photos of it.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wednesday 29th of November
In 2 days time will be 1st of December WORLD AIDS DAY. Traditionally its the day that organisations, charities and people in the Media do something FOR Hiv and Aids, unfortunately i do not know any organisation,charity or people in the Media who use this date to do something WITH people lliving with HIV,AIDS.
Over 16 years ago i attended the 1990 AGM for the Lighthouse in the McEllan Hall in which i had the unpleasant of reading and then hearing that for every £(money) given to the Lighthouse 8p were for directly looking after people with HIV and AIDS.So the trend of doing things FOR people with HIV/AIDS rather then WITH that people is been going for a long time.Luckly the Lighthouse does not exist anymore as an independent charity, now is been rescue(i preffer to call it eaten)by the "Green Monster" that THT has become.
So when we hear that GAYDAR RADIO is celebrating(hello!) World AIDS Day by broadcasting the breakfast show from Balance Restaurant in SOHO and then they will do all the events in Compton's Street like having "elevencies" in Comptons Pub i wonder that whether they do it in this places cos of people living with HIV/AIDS or cos this places have pay them "good" money to appear to the general public that they are doing something for this cause.
Sorry i am just a highly xcinical bustard who critisis everything and everyone.