Sunday, November 29, 2009

SUNDAY, 29 November 2009
We are two days before the World AIDS day and I don't like it; not because of the time of the year but that day is used by people, who usually look after other people to celebrate (hello!) the fact that they are so good doing what they do but the reality is that when you have AIDS or HIV, your life is crap.
If you work, you are discriminated against, socially people hate you or even worse, they patronise you by sending loving images to you, but wait a minute to think about this last thing. In your daily life, every day of your life, do you send loving images to everybody else that you get in touch with? If the answer is an absolute NO, then why would you do it to people like me? Is that supposed love coming from LOVE or from a patronising attitude? And what does it mean in real terms, that loving message?
You might say, I am not in a very good mood and you could be right, but here is where I am at the moment and since you disguise your patronising attitude in a loving message, you need to disguise your disgust and showing loving RESPECT for what I say.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday, 22 November 2009

I have not been publishing anything here for the last few months because I am writing online a lot into the Radical Faeries group and to Regard Online (LGBT disability group) and this means I can give way to my expression of my need to talk a lot. Nonetheless, I want to publish a document here now and next weekend I want to tell you about a “home” remedy that I have applied for fungal infection. Today, though, I am talking about the treatment I have applied to my own body.
About 2 months ago, more or less, i started to have a skin problem in the inside of my left leg near the knee and although at the beginning I wasn't giving it much importance and I was only scratching it when it was itching, in a few weeks the damage passed to my other legs but near the right hip.
First I started to treat it with organic Aloe Vera and as the problem went up to my stomach and chest, I told my evening carer whether he could find something for the itching; he came back the following evening with a cream called ENDIX-G. Although I have told him not to bring me anything with steroids, this cream has got some because it is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial; well, to my surprise the following morning everything regarding my skin damage was much better, so I self-diagnosed myself as having Candida Albicans and I stopped anything in my diet that has any sugar or yeast (I was having also quite a lot of vinegar and I stopped it too), I reduced as well, as much as possible salt.
All the food changes plus using this cream made an impact and my skin nearly recovered from all the damage, but after a few days it came back. But by then i had already a new cream, a natural cream made from Rhealba Oats.
This also had a very positive effect, besides I had made the food changes already but after a few days the infection was back; by then I was getting fed up with it, so I decided to call HIGHER NATURE to speak with their nutritionist and they recommended GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT and below I publish with this posting a document that my weekend carers found that is quite descriptive of the product.
Suffice to say that it's working well, very well. After taking it 3 times I had a shower and usually after drying my body with a towel, because of the friction my skin gets red. But this time it got pale, so this is telling me that my skin is already clearing up.
Please, read the following document.

GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT - A Natural Antimicrobial?
from Higher Nature
Fourteen years ago an earnest gardener noticed that when he threw grapefruit seeds on his compost they didn't rot. Fortunately, being both a doctor and an Einstein Laureate physicist who specialised in finding natural remedies, he investigated. The result was a remarkable discovery. The extract he made from the grapefruit seeds may turn out to be the most potent and benign antimicrobial so far discovered.
A few drops of Dr Harich's grapefruit seed extract in a glass of water could put a stop to the 'flu or a sore throat. It could also help control candida or gingivitis, and it's been known to banish athlete's foot in a single application. It is highly effective against diarrhoea and food poisoning; it could rid you of worms or parasites; it can even stop you going down with cholera or dysentery when travelling abroad. It is very much more potent than tea tree oil. But the best news is: it is natural, inexpensive, and non-toxic.
'Conventional antibiotics only kill bacteria. The grapefruit seed extract has been shown to inactivate viruses, yeasts, fungi, parasites and worms, as well as bacteria'
What was so surprising about Dr Harich's new discovery was how broad its uses turned out to be. Conventional antibiotics only kill bacteria. The grapefruit seed extract has been shown to inactivate viruses, yeasts, fungi, parasites and worms, as well as bacteria.
"What's in there that makes it work really isn't known," Dr Leo Gailand, who has been prescribing the extract to his New York patients for over seven years, told Natural Health magazine, "There's just something unique about this particular substance. "Whatever it does, it does it without debilitating side effects. "It has the advantage of being very safe, " says Galland.
Dr Louis Parish MD, an investigator for the US. Department of Health and the FDA, who has treated many people with intestinal problems including dysentery, believes that grapefruit seed extract "gives more symptomatic relief than any other treatment."
Researcher astonished
Leading American chiropractor Allan Sachs DC took part in clinical research on the new extract when it first became available. He and his colleagues drew up a list of criteria and evaluated the grapefruit seed extract on each of them.
After evaluating Dr Harich's extract he reported "I was astounded to find that it scored high marks for each category. Could we have discovered the near perfect anti- microbial? For instance, studies from a list of prestigious institutes have demonstrated grapefruit seed extract to be effective against over twenty disease-causing bacteria, more than thirty fungi, and a host of protozoa (single cell parasites). Several of the viruses studied also succumbed to the extract."
Bifidobacteria unaffected
Fortunately grapefruit seed extract does not seem to disturb beneficial gut bacteria. One study which tested the effect of grapefruit seed extract on eczema patients (who frequently have fungal and bacterial infections), found that the extract significantly inhibited Candida albicans and E. Coli, but left the important Bifidobacteria unchanged, and only slightly reduced the Lactobacilli (such as Lactobacilli acidophilus and salivarius). Their patients' constipation, flatulence and abdominal discomfort all improved.
But remarkably, this botanical extract seems to tackle at least some viruses. It is too early to say how many. William Shannon, head of the Microbiology-Virology Division at Southern Research Institute found that grapefruit seed extract was effective against herpes simplex and one of the influenza viruses.
Interlab, a South American laboratory found that it inactivated the measles virus, and the US Department of Agriculture found that it was effective against four animal viruses, including foot and mouth disease and African swine fever.
Other laboratory tests have shown that grapefruit seed extract will kill many of the microbes which commonly infect us, includ- ing: streptococci, staphylococci, salmonella, pseudomonas, giardia, lysteria, legionella, helicobacter pylori and capylobacter jejuni.
Candida success
Chronic candidiasis can be successfully treated with grapefruit seed extract according to the many clinics and medical practitioners now prescribing it. Dr Leo Galland, who prescribes it for chronic candidiasis, has reported treatment failure in only two out of 297 cases, and considers it to be "a major therapeutic breakthrough for patients with chronic parasitic and yeast infections... "
He prescribes 5-10 drops twice daily, diluted in at least four ounces of liquid, and stirred well, and advises patients to avoid its slightly bittertaste by mixing it with juice. Regarding resistant patients Dr Galland commented "...I have had some immunosuppressed patients taking the preparation for over a year with no apparent development of side effects or drug resistance (resistance of infective microbes to the extract)."
Researchers at the Pasteur lnstitute's hospital in Nairobi have been using grapefruit seed extract orally with HIV patients for over years and report dramatic results with secondary infections, including parasitic infections and thrush.
Even on a baby's bottom
Grapefruit seed extract is so safe that you can use a mild solution on a baby's bottom for nappy rash. Normally it comes as a concentrate, of which you use only a few drops at a time, dissolved into a glass of water or juice. To stave off a cold you might drink 4 to 8 drops with a hot drink and repeat, if necessary, a few hours later. 2 to 3 drops would be enough for a child. In areas where diarrhoea is a problem 3 drops can be taken each morning as a preventative. However the concentrated extract is extremely strong, must always be diluted in water or juice, and never used in the eyes.
This extract is incredibly versatile. You can gargle with it for sore throats and gum infections. You can even douche with it. It can be applied, very diluted, to acne, warts, skin irritations and problem nails. Or you can add 30 drops to the bathwater (often helpful for children). It can also be used as a nasal rinse, dissolved in glycerine for ear infections, or added to your shampoo to control dandruff.
The only side effect that has been noticed is an occasional mild discomfort when yeasts or bacteria begin a "die off" process, Starting on just a few drops a day and raising it gradually will minimise this. Often, taking a probiotic supplement is appropriate as well. For maximum effect they should be taken several hours apart.
Natural disinfectant too
Beside its multiple uses within the human body, grapefruit seed extract has many more applications. Tests at the University of Georgia, confirmed by labs and clinics around the world, have shown that, it is a first class disinfectant. Not only does it kill germs effectively, but uniike most disinfectants, it has virtually no toxicity, making it far safer to use. Already it is being used by hospitals in America. At home it can safely be used to wash fruit and salad vegetables, to clean chopping boards, and to sterilise food utensils (or your toothbrush) when needed.
Don't leave home without It
Dr Harich's discovery has turned out to have so many uses that the moral may turn out to be: don't leave home without it. A doctor from Orlando was travelling in South America when his companion was struck with severe diarrhoea after eating wayside strawberries. Having grapefruit seed extract to hand, he gave his friend two drops in water and again before bed. The next morning, Dr Lynn reported, his friend "was down to breakfast and eating. No further bowel problems."
Occasionally though, there's someone who doesn't follow the directions properly. Richard Starr, president of Bio/Chem Research, the company that makes the extract, says that in Peru where it is used to disinfect agricultural produce, a drunken worker inadvertently drank three ounces of the liquid that someone had put in a whisky bottle. Apparently the high dosage helped far more than it hurt. "He passed all kinds of worms," Starr reports. "He said he never felt so good."
1. Ionescu, Kiehl, Wichmann-Kunz, Williams, Baum and Levine. 'Oral Citrus Seed Extract in Atopic Eczema: In vitro and In vivo studies on Intestinal Microflora"Joumal of Orthomolecular Medicine Volume 5. No 3, 1990.
2. The Third Opinion, Volume 1 Petaluma CA 94952

Sunday, June 21, 2009

SUNDAY, 21 JUNE 2009
Lately, although I am feeling quite good in spirits, I am feeling a little bit "blue" within myself; I think it's to do with getting old and, of course, I am not happy about it, because there is still within my mind a hope that I may be getting body able again and go about to have lots of casual sex all over again. Of course, this is not going to happen. My mind has changed quite a lot regarding my position in life at the moment. So I don't think even if I am body able again, I might be going back to the careless life I used to live only 15 years ago.
When I touch my body I notice that the skin is lacid in some areas and I don't think it's going to be fill again with fat or muscle tissue, some of my hairs on my chest are turning grey, the skin in my upper hands is becoming soft and wrinkly and although I apply aloe vera every single night in my hands, they start to get the spots of old age.
What I am realising is that not only I am sick, but I am getting old as well. First, I was afraid of dying and now I am afraid of getting old and I don't know what is worse, knowing that I might not be getting together with other people intimately if it is because of HIV or because I am old.
We hear a lot these days about stigma and I have two of the worst stigmas anybody can have, a communicable disease and I am getting old, more so because my communicable disease is leaving me house-bound and in a wheelchair.
It is not enjoyment in knowing that my brain works better than ever before because, I think, most old people have brilliant intellectuality. And that is why in the past hamlets, villages, townships and even nations had elders to provide them with guidance for the future. And perhaps it's in here where we are having the problems we have with the climate because the European lifestyle that we are living so far whether we are in Europe or Japan needs no elders but then elders didn't deal in the past with issues like different races coming together, no gender issues, much less transgender people, sexualities and some others. So perhaps we are going through this patch in human history in order for us, elders, to learn where we need to apply our pressure.
Anyway, as you can see I am not very happy with my own image at the moment. So, you can say, that I have the blues with me at the moment.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Earlier on this afternoon my carer read me an article about astaxanthin that appeared in the latest issue of Higher Nature. And of course being me I was interested about it so, as usual, I went into th3e internet to find out more. Here is the link of a very good place that does research for food supplements and it seems to be a non-profit organisation.
Everything I read about astaxanthin seems to be very good so I am deciding at this very moment that I will take it and since I cannot find a decisive opinion for how much I need to take a day I will start taking 1 capsule of 4 mg per day.
Two other things that I am taking in the last few months are DMAE that I buy from Higher Nature and Coenzyme Q10 that I forget where I buy it from at the moment but I seem to remember that it's a pharmaceutical company that is based in the Channel Islands. Of both I take 1 a day, DMAE in the mornings and Coenzyme Q10 in the afternoons. The new capsule of astaxanthin I will take it also in the morning.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lately I am not writing much in here and I think I know why. The reason for this is that because of the global economic situation that is leaving me in a position that I don't know whether I am wealthy or I am poor.
What I mean by this is that, economically speaking, I am not better or worse than I was 1 year ago.

About 2 years ago I entered into an episode I which I had money difficulties but it was, as turned out to be, not a problem of lack of money but accountancy, knowing what I was spending and how much and once I came out of that situation I found myself facing a global credit crunch in which the government as anybody else is panicking and giving me extra income for this and for that. For other people it might be necessary but in my case, although it is not a necessary, I don't need it urgently either. But what this situation is achieving is that, if in the past I had an accountancy or bookkeeping problem it is going to happen all over again, because I am in the middle of an economic bubble. It would be much better for me if I had the money given to me when I am really needing it and not when everybody around me thinks that I might need it.
But then again, may be it could be a good idea that instead of me controlling every single aspect of my income, somebody else, in an official capacity of course, did it, because I have enough on "my plate" with being brain damaged for the rest of my life. Anyway.
Lately, I have introduced in my daily lifing, in order to make some savings a Colloidal Silver Generator (CSG.)

I went into the Internet trying to find smth that could provide me with the colloidal silver that I use every day (Incidentally quite a lot because I use it for nearly everything you could imagine) so it could save me a few pounds by making it myself rather than buying it from smb else.
In the Internet I found how to make it yourself but with American details (lovely if you live in the USA) so I could not make the best out of this idea, so I went to the British market and I found the following link:

that it also provides me with a very short history about colloidal silver (I was sold to the idea anyway because I have been using it for 4 or 5 years already; I put it always on my eyes, for about 2 or 3 months a year, in my nose and sometimes in my ears, of course in this usage I am talking about drops but I use it also everyday as a spray on my armpits, feet and a sphincter very, very occasionally I put it on plants. And I know, well I knew it before, that it could be used as disinfectant for the chopping board in the kitchen, but because it was a little bit expensive to buy I didn't use it for this nor for drinking it myself).

Colloidal Silver Maker by Zappertek

including pair of rods

Colloidal Silver for Pennies an Ounce

Colloidal Silver is broadly acknowledged as a universal agent for killing bacteria, viruses and fungi. Used for years, it has recently become more popular and well-known.

It used to be common practice to put a silver coin into a bottle of milk to keep it from souring, or into a bottle of water to purify it. The ancient Greeks & Romans used to put silver into their urns and in the Middle Ages royalty, eating with silver utensils, were less susceptible of succumbing to the ravages of the plague.

In retail stores colloidal silver sells between £15 - £25 for an 8oz bottle. By making your own with the Colloidal Silver Maker you can make your own for around 10p for the same 8oz bottle. This is 200 times cheaper than buying it ready-made.

Colloidal Silver has been called "Nature's Antibiotic". It is silver suspended in a distilled water solution. Silver is a powerful, natural, universal prophylactic and antibiotic. It is a natural disinfectant and broad-spectrum antimicrobial-agent that kills bacteria, viruses, moulds, fungi, and parasites; over 650 disease-causing pathogens or organisms.

Besides being a precious metal, silver is a TRACE MINERAL, essential to the body. Trace amounts of silver are prophylactic, or protective, in nature and helps to strengthen the immune system. As the body ages, the ability to assimilate silver decreases. This leads to SILVER DEFICIENCY and an impaired immune system. Once the immune system is weakened our defenses go down and we are less able to fight off various diseases.

Colloidal Silver is the only safe way to obtain silver as supplement. It is bio-available to allow direct permeability into the body's tissues. The Colloidal Silver Maker produces Colloidal Silver with a particle size of around .001 to .004 microns. This is very small and therefore easy for your body to absorb.

Minerals, especially trace minerals, are more important for the body than vitamins, because without minerals, vitamins can not be utilized. Research has shown a direct correlation between mineral and vitamin deficiencies and illnesses.

CHELATED minerals are a popular choice, but they only allow 40-60% absorption, whereas Colloidal minerals have a 98-100% absorption. Commercial Colloidal Silver has been around since the late 1800's. It was approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, USA) in the 1920's as a safe antibiotic. A daily dose of Collidal Silver improves the immune system resulting in more energy, vitality, quicker healing and a reduction of bodily toxins.

Colloidal Silver Replacement Silver Rods

The silver is 1.5mm wire and the purity is 99.9% which is the highest on the market. Most silver has nickle mixed in with it and this can become toxic. The silver is from a silver exchange in the city so it is bona fide real.
Approx 9cm / 4 inches long.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

One for the fans of any of the many conspiracy theories.
This one is about the actual crisis that we have and that the media calls "Credit Crunch".
Some people call it an economic crisis, but I don't think it's an economic crisis as such - more a lending crisis, that's why the media call it the credit crunch.
Lending started about 300 years ago in a more official capacity because in a non-official capacity it started a very long time ago, more than 300 years. It was created and supported by the style of governance that in the 20th century we called Capitalism. Sarcastically or ironically it was created to support military affairs but it can only exist if it is supported by military enterprises. It was created by a governing system that later could not exist without it so now we have the creature overpowering the creator.
Some people think that capitalism as a political philosophy is at a dead end, well the reality is far different. In the next phase of that growth of capitalism it needs to take over those same governments that are supporting it and this is what we are having now - governments around the world realised that they have created a lifestyle enjoyed by it's citizen, only to realise that they can only continue doing so by supporting the capitalist system that are not other than the banks and other financial institutions. So in a way the governments supporting the banks is in the first instance for the benefit of the citizens, but in the back of this first instance is the reality of the capitalist system growing to the next level that is total control like the Matrix in the "Matrix" movie.
In the mean time we, the citizens, oblivious of what is going on, enjoy the "reality" of day-to-day life, going up and down with crises and joys but not at the same time of course.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
On Sunday, the 1st of February I got an email from my friend Colin, from Plymouth, telling me about a very important astrological event happening on St. Valentine's Day. After a lot self-deliberation I decided to post it here. I hope it can be of benefit to somebody, certainly it is for me and for some of my friends.

Dear friend,

In mid February a rare astrological concentration brings together a number of planets together with the North Node - denoting higher purpose - in Aquarius that energizes and inspires the possibility for transcendental breakthrough in some perhaps seemingly intransigent situations.

We measure our global sense of both space (latitude and longitude) and time (universal time - UT or GMT) from the prime meridian located at Greenwich, England. So we can perceive the collective influence of this momentous astrological event by looking at the alignment from this globally ‘centered’ perspective.

When we do something extraordinary and exquisite emerges.

At dawn on 14th February the day dedicated to St Valentine, the patron saint of Love, the Moon in Libra enters the seventh house of relationships. And Jupiter and Mars are aligned in Aquarius in the twelfth house of spiritual transformation.

Forty years ago, the intuitive words of a song called Aquarius, brought the dawning of the new age into our collective awareness:

When the Moon is in the seventh house

and Jupiter aligns with Mars.

Then love will rule the planets

and peace will steer the stars

At dawn on 14th February the Cosmos actually embodies this perfect alignment to support our collective manifestation of love and peace and dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

The Aquarian chart of 14th February reveals an incredible concentration of cosmic influences blending with the energies of Aquarius in the twelfth house. Expansive Jupiter and energetic Mars are aligned with the higher purpose of the North Node. The presence of Chiron the wounded healer offers us the opportunity to heal the schisms that have separated us for so long. Neptune emphasizes collective humanitarian movements and the co-creation of social justice. And the presence of the radiant Sun enlightens the entire alignment.

Mercury also in the twelfth house but just beyond the cusp in Capricorn, allies with transformational Pluto to communicate and anchor the Shift throughout our global structures and institutions.

The Moon in Libra in the seventh house emphasizes harmonious real –ationshipsationships.


And whilst Saturn the great task master in opposition to Uranus the unexpected awakener is suggesting an ongoing confrontation as the dregs ofawakenerustainable old paradigm reluctantly give way to the untested hope of the new, their placements in Virgo and Pisces brings practical altruism and visionary inspiration to the transition.

At 7.25am on 14th February – and for the 18 minutes of the alignment, I invite you, in the universal heart, to add your own intention for love and peace and to co-create the dawning of the Age of Aquarius to that of the Cosmos. In whatever way feels appropriate for you, you may choose to align with7.25am (UT) or 7.25am local time energizing a wave of intention that will surge around the Earth.

Please feel free to circulate the Aquarian chart and its cosmic invitation to birth the Age of AqAquarian



Jude Currivan PhD