Tuesday, November 06, 2007

It took me a few days to guess what I was going to put on my head to hide my identity and the solution was very near my hand as nearly with everything that i have question. Fo sleeping better I use a blind fold I use it everynight because the window in my bedroom receives all the "attention" of life from the street. Then I thought that the new proposed identity cards are using the eyes as idntification so since I needed only to put something over my eyes to hide my identity the blindfold was my solution. But before I go to this I thought of a carrier bag, of a refused bag, a pillow cover, etc...

Anyway that was my past time in the last few days as if I didn't have any other thing to bother with (I wish ... ) .

I find myself now in the wheelchair for doing the exercises and after going forward on the wheelchair up to the edge of the chair but feeling secure and with my back supported by muscles and the spine only I start two set of exercises that basically cover the arms and the legs. First as you can see on the pictures I do work on my arms by moving them in four different steps then I do stretching exercises and I go all the way back in a reverse action so I finish with the legs exercises. First I go with the arms resting when I stretch to across position with them for 10 times; then for 10 secs I hold them stretch in the crossed position, after this I move them to the up position of the arms being behind the head where I hold them after ten times for ten secs; I finish this with a stretching each arm holding the handle over the opposite shoulder for 15 secs each. Then as I said before I go in a reverse motion from the static and stretching position of the arms behind the head to motion, crossed, motion finishing touching the wheelchair . Everytime I hold them whether its up or crossed for 10 secs and the motions between upward position and crossed position for 10 repetitions.


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